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Collections / Musee De La Princerie

Musée de la Princerie


  • 16, rue de La Belle Vierge
  • Verdun
  • France
  • Homepage

Personal Communication Han Stoutjesdijk 21.06.2008:

The Princerie Museum does not have the mineralogical collection of Mr Armand Buvignier. The Museum keeps some objects from the Buvignier family, like archeological ceramics, engravings and historical seals. The collection was sold in 1909. Natural sciences items were probably spread at this sale. If some of them were at the Princerie Museum, they disappeared during the bustling history of the Museum.

Verdun's Library owns the archives dealing about this family. Buvignier's grave, located in Verdun's cemetery, is recovered by sculpted mollusks.

The documentation of the Museum owns a book by Mr Armand Buvignier : Statistique géologique, minéralogique, minérallurgique et paléontologique du département de la Meuse (Geological, mineralogical, minerallurgical and paleontological statistics from the Meuse departement), with an atlas of 32 engraved slides, dating from 1852.

That is all the information we can give you about Mr Armand Buvignier.

Sincerly, Romain Gastaldello

Musée de la Princerie

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