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Rostellaria composita Leymerie , Mém . soc . géol . France 1842. V. 31 . Fig . 7 . Fig . 8.

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Sally Kaicher:

Fusus albensis d'Orbigny. 1843a:334, pl. 222, figs. 8-10 placed in Blackdownia by Kollmann, 1976:196 Fusus dejaerii Briat & Cornet, 1868:25, pl. 2, figs. 13, 14 placed in synonymy with Blackdownia quadratus (J. de C. Sowerby, 1823) by Marlière, 1939: 139 (as Tidicla). Early Paleocene, Europe) Fusus cenomanensis Gueranger, 1867: pl. 13, figs 13, 15 placed in Pirifusus by Cossmann, 1901a:83; placed in Blackdownia by Kollmann, 1976:196 (Cretaceous, France). Fusus gaultinus d'Orbigny, 1843a:335, pl. 223, fig. 1, new name for Fusus rusticus C. Sowerby, 1836, non Conrad, 1839; placed in Blackdownia by Kollmann, 1976:196 (as Fusus rusticus); placed (probably) in Fasciolariidae by J.D. Taylor, Cleevely, and N.J. Morris, 1983:527, [in genus Resabulum, nomen nudum] (Cretaceous, Europe)

Aporrhais Benifazae Land. Todolella, Castellon, Lower Cretaceous Strombus Navarrii Land. Palomar, Las Parras, Teruel, Lower Cretaceous Strombus incertus Orb. Coba deo Rubi, Tarragona, Upper Cretaceous Strombus Fischeri Choffat Aporrhais Gasullae Coquand Aporrhais extensus Landerer Pterocera Espinosae Landerer

Mallada, L. 1887. Sinopsis de las Especies Fosiles que se han encontrado en Espana, part III: Terreno Mesozoico (Cretacee inferior); Boletin de la Comision del Mapa Geologico de Espana, vol. XIV, I-XIX, 1-471, pls. 13-48, Madrid, Fulltext

Grzybowski, J. 1899. Die Tertiärablagerungen des nördlichen Peru und ihre Molluskenfauna; Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologie und Petrefaktenkunde, Beilage. Bd. 12, pp. 610-664, pls. 15-20.

Strombus furcatus Grzybowsky, pl. 20, figs. 14, 14a. Talara Formation, Miocene, Peru

Dubertret & Keller, Notes et mémoires

Dubertret, Louis, 1937. Contribution a l'étude stratigraphique de la Cote Libano-Syrienne: Notes et Memoires, Haut Commissariat de la Republique francaise en Syrie et au Liban, v. 2. p. 9-21

Henri Vautrin; Louis Dubertret; Alexandre Keller; Elisabeth David . Haut-commissariat de la République française en Syrie et au Liban. Service des travaux publics, section d'études géologiques. Notes et mémoires. Tome I.208 p., fig., pl., cartes,

Le miocène en Syrie et au Liban. Tome I. Contribution à l'étude géologique de la Syrie septentrionale[Texte imprimé] / par Louis Dubertret, Henri Vautrin, Alexandre Keller, Elisabeth David ; Henry Agalède, Philippe Agalèdes Paris : Revue de géographie physique et de géologie dynamique,..., 1933

DUBERTRET L., VAUTRIN H. et KELLER A. (1937) - Stratigraphie du Pliocène et du Quaternaire de la région de Lattaquié. Haut-Commissariat République franç. en Syrie et Liban, Beyrouth, Notes et mémoires, t. II, Contribution à l'étude géologique de la côte libano-syrienne. I Stratigraphie. II Paléontologie.

GIGNOUX M. (1913) - Les formations marines pliocènes et quaternaires de l'Italie du Sud et de la Sicile. Thèse sc. Lyon, n° 53. Link

Richard H. Benson, Kruna Rakic-El Bied, Gioacchino Bonaduce, 1991. An important current reversal (influx) in the Rifian Corridor (Morocco) at the Tortonian-Messinian boundary: The end of Tethys Ocean; Paleoceanography 6(1), pp. 165-192

Abstract: Atlantic psychrospheric and temperate mesopelagic faunas found in the lower Messinian marls in Morocco indicate that a strong, eastward flowing, bottom current was present in the Rifian Corridor before the Salinity Crisis. This influx began just before diatomite deposition in the Paleo-Mediterranean, continued during a decrease in species diversity in coral reef formation, and diminished with the initial stages of “brine” concentration in the deep-water phase of the Crisis. The influx is most readily studied in a condensed section of marl in the Bou Regreg valley near Rabat. The beginning of this “siphon event” coincides with the Tortonian/Messinian boundary (6.4 Ma, subchron 6N1). It is identified by (1) a change in the planktonic foraminifera from dominance of warm, tropical, epipelagic Globorotalia menardii with Globigerinoides to the temperate, mesopelagic Gl. miotumida plexus with conomiozea; (2) the sudden appearance of an upper psychrospheric ostracode fauna with Agrenocythere pliocenica and Oblitacythereis ruggierii, (3) a change in nannoflora; and (4) beginning of the 6.3 Ma Global Carbon Shift. The initial strong influx stage of the siphon lasted at least 0.7 m.y., decreasing after the middle of Chron 5, ca. 5.7, to be lost ca. 5.3 Ma. Conditions for the siphon formed when the continental climate created a deficit in the water budget of the Paleo- Mediterranean Sea. The reversal took place when tectonic movement in the foredeeps of the Betic- Rif Orogene changed the thresholds of the twin straits, the Rifian Corridor and the Iberian Portal. Inflow increased rapidly in the southern Corridor to draw in waters from beneath the rising Atlantic pycnocline, while Paleo-Mediterranean Overflow Water (PMOW) continued out of the northern Iberian Portal. The invasion of “nappes” or olistoliths, first into the portal and then into the corridor, led to the end of the outflow of the PMOW terminating the need for the siphon, and then to the isolation of the Paleo-Mediterranean.

J.-F. Lesport, A. Cluzaud & A. Verhecken, 2012. Les publications du Docteur Jean-Pierre Sylvestre de Grateloup sur les mollusques fossiles du Bassin d’Aquitaine (S.-O. France) : dates de parutions et commentaires; Bull. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, Tome 147, nouv. série n° 40 (4), 2012 : 417-485.

Martynov, A. V. 2002. The shell collection of J. H. Chemnitz in the Zoological Institute, St.-Petersburg. - Ruthenica 12 (1): 1-18.

Neues Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet, 1769-1795 - Rejected by ICZN Direction 1 (1954), except for certain New Zealand species, by ICZN Opinion 479 (1957).

R. Winckworth, 1943. Holten’s systematic list of the shells of Chemnitz. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London 25(4): 146-150, pi. 5.

R. I. Johnson, 1968. Martini and Chemnitz (Kuester’s edition) Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet, 1837-1920, a complete collation. Journal of the Society for the Bibliography of Natural History 4(7): 363- 367.

F.Traub & W.Werner, 1993. Biostratigraphische Einstufung der Gastropoden aus dem Paleozän (Tertiär) des Haunsberges (N Salzburg, Österreich) anhand der internationalen Plankton-Foraminiferen-Zonierung; Zitteliana 20(1993) pp. 369-378, Fulltext

Eoranella Sayn 1932. Sayn 1932. Description de la Faune de l'Urgonien de Barcelonne. Travaux du Laboratoire de Geologie Lyon, 18(15) 1932: pp. 1-67


 K. Schwenk, N. Brede, B. Streit (2008): Introduction. Extent, processes and evolutionary impact of interspecific hybridization in animals. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B: 363: S. 2805–2811 Fulltext

J. Mallet, 2008. Hybridization, ecological races and the nature of species: empirical evidence for the ease of speciation, Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2008 September 27; 363(1506): 2971–2986. Fulltext

A D Twyford and R A Ennos, 2012. Next-generation hybridization and introgression.Heredity (Edinb).; 108(3): 179–189, Fulltext

Mallet J. Hybrid speciation. Nature. 2007 Mar 15;446(7133):279-83.

  • Abstract

Botanists have long believed that hybrid speciation is important, especially after chromosomal doubling (allopolyploidy). Until recently, hybridization was not thought to play a very constructive part in animal evolution. Now, new genetic evidence suggests that hybrid speciation, even without polyploidy, is more common in plants and also animals than we thought.

Chapman MA, Burke JM., 2007. Genetic divergence and hybrid speciation. Evolution. 2007 Jul;61(7):1773-80

  • Abstract

Although the evolutionary importance of natural hybridization has been debated for decades, it has become increasingly clear that hybridization plays a fundamental role in the evolution of many plant and animal taxa, sometimes resulting in the formation of entirely new species. Although some hybrid species retain the base chromosome number of their parents, others combine the full chromosomal complements of their progenitors. Hybrid speciation can thus produce two fundamentally different types of evolutionary lineages, yet relatively little is known about the factors influencing ploidy level in hybrid neospecies. We estimated genetic divergence between species pairs that have given rise to homoploid and polyploid hybrid species and found that divergence is significantly greater for the parents of polyploids, even after controlling for potentially confounding factors. Our data thus provide the first direct evidence in support of the notion that the extent of genomic divergence between hybridizing species influences the likelihood of diploid versus polyploid hybrid speciation.

Erimar von der Osten, 1957. A Fauna from the Lower Cretaceous Barranquin Formation of Venezuela. Journal of Paleontology, vol. 31(3) p. 571-590, pl. 63-65, Fulltext

A. Kassab, A. Kenawy, and M. Zakhira. 1995. Biostratigraphy of some Upper Cretaceous/Lower Tertiary outcrops from the Egyptian Western Desert. Neues Jahrbuch fuer Geologie und Palaeontologie-Abhandlungen 196(3):309-326


Rostellaria bispinosa

  • pl. IV, fig. 13 (?) from Scarborough, Lower Calcareous grit.
  • Pl. VI, fig. 13 from Scarborough, Wilts, &c.; Kelloways Rock
    Hazelbury Bryan Formation ?

Pietteia russiensis is a junior synonym of Fusus sabatieri Trautschold, Fusus eichwaldi Boden, 1911

Alarin ritteri Thurmann [= Bicorempterus pseudopellati (Gerasimov)], Alaria gagnebini (Thurmann) [= Dicroloma cochleata (Quenstedt)],%202004.pdf

  • H. Trautschold, 1866. Zur Fauna des russischen Jura, Bull. Soc. Impér. Natur. Moscou 39(1), 1-24.
  • K. Boden, 1911. Die Fauna des unteren Oxfordian von Popilani in Litauen, Geol. Palaeontol. Abh. NF 10 (2), 125-200.

Roberto Ubaldi, 2008. Osservazioni su Lambis (L.) truncata truncata, Lambis (L.) truncata sebae e Lambis arachnoides. Argonauta 17(1-6) 2008, p. 110-111

Roberto Ubaldi, 2008. Lambis (Lambis) adamii Bozzetti & Cossignani, 2003; a form of Lambis (Lambis) lambis Linnaeus, 1758, Argonauta 17(1-6) 2008, p. 112-117

Roberto Ubaldi, 2007. Lambis (Lambis) truncata truncata Humphrey, 1786 and Lambis (Lambis) truncata sebae (Kiener, 1843) (parte II), Argonauta 16(1-6) 2007, p. 36-62

Roberto Ubaldi, 2008. Lambis crocata crocata e Lambis crocata pilsbryi Lambis crocata pilsbryi, Argonauta 17(1-6) 2008, p. 85-104

Ubaldi, R., 1987. Il sotogenere Tricornis Jousseaume, 1886: Strombus tricornis Humphrey, 1786. Argonauta, 3 (1-2): 251-258.

Anon., 1983. Notes & Tidings [Strombus (Conomurex) dehelensis]. La Conchiglia, nos. 172-173: 10

Anon., 1988. [pullus of Strombus erythrinus in Cyprus]. La Conchiglia, nos. 230-231: 29

Berner, T., A. Wishkovsky & Z. Dubinsky, 1986. Endozoic algae in shelled gastropods - a new symbiotic association in coral reefs? I. Photosynthetically active zooxanthellae in Strombus tricornis. Coral Reefs, 5: 103-106

Eisawy, A.M. & A.E. Sorial, 1968. The egg-masses, development and metamorphosis of Strombus (Monodactylus) tricornis Lamarck. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, 38: 13-25

Fischer, P.-H., 1954. Métamorphoses de la coquille chez Strombus tricornis Lamarck. Journal de Conchyliologie, 94: 152-153

Mienis, H.K, 1969. Notes on the distribution and morphology of the Strombus terebellatus-complex (Gastropoda, Strombidae). Basteria, 33: 109-114

Mienis, H.K., 1971. Revision of Strombus (Canarium) mutabilis ochroglottis Abbott (Gastropoda: Strombidae). Archiv für Molluskenkunde, 101: 301-304

Mienis, H.K., 1982. Strombus dentatus in the Gulf of Aqaba. Levantina, no. 36: 431-432

Mienis, H.K., 1984. Another surprise from the Mediterranean: Strombus decorus persicus. Carfel Philippine Shell News, 6(3): 11

Mienis, H.K., 1984. Strombus decorus persicus is also found in Israel. Hawaiian Shell News, 32(6): 4

Mienis, H.K., 1988. Enkele verdere opmerkingen betreffende de verspreiding van Strombus ochroglottis Abbott, 1960. Correspondentieblad van de Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging, no. 241: 408-409

Moolenbeek, R.G. & H. Dekker, 1993. On the identity of Strombus decorus and Strombus persicus, with the description of Strombus decorus masirensis n. ssp. and a note on Strombus fasciatus. Vita Marina, 42(1): 3-10

Parth, M., 1986. Strombus plicatus sibbaldi (Sowerby, 1842). Valid species or simple form? La Conchiglia, nos. 210- 211: 6-7

Romagna-Manoja, E., 1974. Strombus (Lentigo) fasciatus elegans: a new subspecies. Hawaiian Shell News, 22(10): 12

Singer, B.S., 1994. Awareness and reaction of species of Strombus to the proximity of a dangerous enemy. Levantina, no. 81: 9-10

Ubaldi, R., 2007. Lambis (Lambis) truncata truncata Humphrey, 1786. Argonauta, nos. 1-6: 36-62 []

Yaron, I., 1982. A new record of Strombus cf. aurisdianae form the Gulf of Aqaba. Levantina, no. 38: 449-451

Gemert, L.[J.] van, 2006. Over de lessepsiaanse Strombidae of de mythe van Lentigo lentiginosus. Spirula, no. 353: 139- 141

Dekker, H., 2002. A note on the distribution of two species of Tibia in Yemen (Gastropoda, Rostellariidae). Vita Malacologica, 1: 33-37

Fischer, P.-H., 1954. Métamorphoses de la coquille chez Rostellaria fusus L.. Journal de Conchyliologie, 94: 150-151

Manganelli, G., Spadini, V., Cianfanelli, S., 2004. The xenophorid gastropods of the Mediterranean Pliocene: The record of the Siena Basin; Bollettino della Societa Paleontologica Italiana Vol. 43(3) 2004, pp. 409-451. Abstract: The systematics of fossil Eura-Mediterranean xenophorids is still relatively unknown, due to the many problems involved in studying them (very conservative shell structure, few available shell characters, the fact that the attached objects modify whorl shape and vary in amount, the rarity of certain species and the difficulty of finding well preserved specimens). Most of the relevant literature dates back to the classic monographs on Tertiary molluscs by M. Hörnes, F. Sacco and M. Cossmann. Seven species have been reported from the Euro-Mediterranean Pliocene: Xenophora crispa (König, 1825), X. deshayesi (Michelotti, 1847), X. infundibulum (Brocchi, 1814), X. plioitalica Sacco, 1896, X. scaldensis Glibert, 1958, Stellaria plioextensa (Sacco, 1896), and S. testigera (Bronn, 1831). However, all but three (X. crispa, X. infundibulum, and S. testigera) are practically unknown. This paper is devoted to six species found in the Siena Pliocene Basin, a classic Italian Pliocene area. Five of them (X. crispa, X. infundibulum, X. plioitalica, S. plioextensa, and S. testigera) are redescribed and current knowledge about them summarized; the sixth species, known from a dozen specimens, is described as new: X. davolii n. sp. In the remarks to the new species, the status and the relationships of some classical Euro-Mediterranean Tertiary xenophorid species, i.e. X. deshayesi (Michelotti, 1847), X. burdigalensis (Grateloup, 1847) and X. grateloupi (D'Orbigny, 1852), are discussed. A neotype is designated for two species (X. crispa and S. testigera) and a proposal of neotype designation is made for some Miocene species: X. deshayesi, X. burdigalensis, and X. grateloupi.

Andreoli, G., Marsigli, S., 1996. Contributo alla conoscenza della malacofauna pliocenica modenese (parte III - Famiglia Xenophoridae) (1996) Natura Modenese, 3, pp. 19-21.

Berg, C.J., 1974.A comparative ethological study of strombid gastropods; Behavior, 51, pp. 274-332

Beu, A.G., 1977. New Zealand Cenozoic gastropods of the genus Xenophora Fischer, 1807; Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 1997(7), pp. 229-241

Caprotti, E., 1967. Il genere Xenophora Fischer von Waldheim, 1807 nel Piacenziano (Pliocene) di Castell'Arquato (Piacenza); Atti Della Società Italiana Di Scienze Naturali E Del Museo Civico Di Storia Naturale Di Milano, 106, pp. 186-192

Cerulli-Irelli, S., 1914. Fauna Malacologica Mariana. Gastropoda: Melaniidae, Littorinidae, Fossaridae, Solaridae, Rissoidae, Capulidae, Calyptraeidae, Xenophoridae, Lamellariidae, Naticidae, Scalidae, Aclisidae, Eulimidae, Pyramidellidae; Palaeontographia Italica, 20, pp. 183-277, pls 15-23

Das, A.K., Mitra, S.C., Mukhopadhyaya, S., 1981. Studies on some molluscan collections by the "Golden Crown" from the Bay of Bengal with a note on the camouflage habit of a gastropod, Xenophora pallidula; Proceedings of the Zoological Society, Calcutta, 32, pp. 79-87

De Gregorio, A., 1885. Appunti intorno al gen. Xenophora; Continuazione Degli Studi Su Talune Conchiglie Mediterranee Viventi E Fossili Del March, 11 (1-7), pp. 69-70. (A. De Gregorio pubblicati nel Vol. X: Bullettino della Società Malacologica Italiana)

Faber, W., 1978. Xenophoridae, verzamelaars van vreemde voorwerpen; Vita Marina, 28 (4), pp. 205-216

Feinstein, N., Cairns, S.D., 1998. Learning from the collector: A survey of Azooxanthellate corals affixed by Xenophora (Gastropoda: Xenophoridae), with an analysis and discussion of attachment patterns; Nautilus 112 (3), pp. 73-83

Fischer, P., 1879. Note sur le Xenophora crispa, König (sp.); Journal De Conchyliologie, 27, pp. 210-212 (3e Série, 19)

Garavelli, C.L., 1969. Appunti sulla Xenophora del Mediterraneo; Conchiglie 5, pp. 20-24

Goud, J., Kronenberg, G., 1988, 1989. Xenophoridae. Een overzicht van alle recent voorkomende soorten; Vita Marina, 39, pp. 457-480.(1988) 39: 481-494 (1989)

Hutsell, K.C., 1994. Xenophora robusta (Verrill, 1870); The Festivus, 26, pp. 72-73

Kawase, M., 1996. The bathyal shell Xenophora pallidura, from the sea bottom near the Koshiki Island west of Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan; Scientific Reports of the Toyohashi Museum of Natural History, 6, pp. 21-25

Kreipl, K., Alf, A., 1999. Recent Xenophoridae, p. 148, ConchBooks, Hackenheim

Kreipl, K., Alf, A., Kronenberg, G.C., 1999. A new subgenus of the family Xenophoridae; Spixiana, 22, pp. 179-180

Lambiotte, M., 1979. Notes sur les espèces récentes de la famille des Xenophoridae RA. Philippi, 1853; Informations De La Société Belge De Malacologie, Série, 7 (3), pp. 61-115

Le Loeuff, P., Intes, A., Marche-Marchard, I., 1971. Les Xenophora (Gastropoda Prosobranchiata) de l'Afrique de l'Ouest. Remarques systématiques et écologiques; Cahiers Office De La Recherche Scientifique Et Technique Outre-Mer, Serie Oceanographie, 9, pp. 501-511

Linsley, R.M., Yochelson, E.L., 1973. Devonian carrier shells (Euomphalidae) from North America and Germany: A study of a behavior pattern in which foreign matter is attached to the shell of living and Devonian gastropods; U. S. Geological Survey Professional Paper, 824, pp. 1-26

Mallory, G., 1978. Famiglia Xenophoridae; La Conchiglia (Shell), 10 (112-113), pp. 9-10.

Morton, J.E., 1958. The adaptations and relationships of the Xenophoridae (Mesogastropoda); Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, 33, pp. 89-101

Nielsen, S.N., DeVries, T.J., 2002. Tertiary Xenophoridae (Gastropoda) of western South America; Nautilus, 116 (3), pp. 71-78. Abstract: Three species of Xenophoridae are reported from the Tertiary of western South America: Xenophora carditigera new species from the Oligocene of Peru, Xenophora paulinae new species from the Miocene Navidad Formation of central Chile, and Stellaria kriegerbartholdi new species from the Tertiary of Peninsula Arauco, south-central Chile. All of these species are first records of Xenophoridae for the respective countries. The relationship of South American Xenophora species with Tertiary New Zealand taxa and the difficulty in identifying a species closely related to the other South American Stellaria are discussed.

Reeve, L., 1842.On the genus Phorus, a group of agglutinating mollusks of the family Turbinacea; Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 10, pp. 160-161

Shank, P., 1969. The timorous carrier shell; New York Shell Club Notes, 151, pp. 5-7

St Jean, K., 1977. The Xenophora -how and why they collect: Some new insights; The Western Society of Malacologists Annual Report, 10, p. 11

St. Jean, K., 1982. Xenophora digitata von Martens - The missing link; Of Sea and Shore, 13 (1), pp. 17-19

Stewart, K.A., Kosuge, S., 1983. Description of a new species of the genus Xenophora from Madagascar, Indian Ocean (Gastropoda); Bulletin of the Institute of Malacology (Tokyo), 3, pp. 4-5

Vignon, P., 1923. Sur l'agglutination de corps étrangers par les gastéropodes du G. Xenophora Fischer; Journal De Conchyliologie, 68, pp. 5-13, (3e Série, 50): pls 1-2

Wang, C.C., 1984. Fossil xenophorid gastropods from Taiwan; A Special Volume Dedicated to Chun-Sun Ho on the Occasion of His Retirement, 6, pp. 345-355, Memoir of the Geological Society of China, pls 1-5

Wilson, B., Wilson, C., Baker, P., 1993. Superfamily Xenophoroidea; Australian Marine Shells, pp. 336-337, Prosobranch gastropods. Part one: 167-169, Odyssey, Kallaroo Western Australia

Zhu, M.-D., 1984. Le phénomène d'agglutination dans le genre Xenophora; Nouvelles Archives Du Museum D'Histoire Naturelle De Lyon, 22, pp. 3-49

Bieler, R. , Petit, R.E., 2012. Molluscan taxa in the publications of the Museum Godeffroy of Hamburg, with a discussion of the Godeffroy Sales Catalogs (1864-1884), the Journal des Museum Godeffroy (1873-1910), and a history of the museum ( Review ); Zootaxa, 3511 (2012), pp. 1-80. URL

UENO S.Sexual dimorphism in shell shape of the Spider Shell, Lambis lambis in Amitori Bay, Iriomote Island. Bulletin of Institute of Oceanic Research and Development Tokai University 1997;18:11-16.

ABBOTT R.T.Sexual dimorphism in Indo-Pacific Strombus. Nautilus 1949 (63), 58-61. URL

1964 paper on the queen conch (Bull. Mar. Sci. 14: 246-295), Jack Randall

Catterall & Poiner paper on S. luhuanus (Mar. Biol., 1983)

Omar Hernando Avila-Poveda and Erick Ra�l Baqueiro-C�rdenas. 2006. Size at sexual maturity in the Queen Conch Strombus gigas from Colombia. Bol. Invest. Mar. Cost. 35, 223-233

Reed, S.E. 1995b. Sexual trimorphism in Strombus luhuanus Linné, 1758 (Mollusca: Gastropoda) at Shirahama, Japan. Journal of Shellfish Research 14(1):159-160

Lamy. E. !937. Sur le dimorphisme sexuel des coquilles; J. Conch. 81(4): 283-301

Abbott (1961) found that males of Lambis lambis (Linne') are between 30 and 45 per cent smaller than females and possess a different sculpture pattern Abbott, R. T. 1961. The genus Lambis in the Indo-Pacific. Indo- Pacific Mollusca 1 : 147-174

Cotton, H. S. 1905. Sexual dimorphism in Strombus pugilis Linne, Nautilus 73(12): 139-140.

Goodrich, C. 1944. Variations in Strombus pugilis alatus. Occ. Papers Mus. Zool. Mich., No. 490, p. 1-10.

Pereireia deshayesi Mayer, 1877

Mayer, K. (1876) Systematisches Verzeichniss der Versteinerungen des Parisian der Umgegend von Einsiedeln. Caesar Schmidt’s Buchhandlung, Zürich. 100 pp., 4 pls. [Reprinted in 1877 as: Paläontologie der Pariserstufe von Einsiedeln und Seinen Umgebungen. Beiträge zur Geologischen Karte der Schweiz, 14(2b), 1–100, pls. 1–4.]

Pereireia Dollfus & Dautzenberg, 1899:216

 Suess, 1892:408

Savornin, 1914

Eocene Danmark

A Thersiteidae?

F. Sacco, 1904. I Molluschi dei terreni tertiarii del Piemonte e della Liguria, Parte XXX Link

Healy, J.M, 1988. Sperm morphology in Serpulorbis and Dendropoma and its relevance to the systematic position of the vermetidae (gastropoda). Journal of Molluscan Studies, Volume 54, Issue 3, August 1988, Pages 295-308.

Abstract Electron microscopic observations on the euspermatozoa (fertilizing sperm) and paraspermatozoa (infertile sperm) of Serpulorbis sp. and Dendropoma sp. suggest that the family Vermetidae (sensu stricto) is not closely allied to any true cerithioidean family. Vermetid euspermatozoa strongly resemble those of a number of other mesogastropod superfamilies including the Stromboidea, Epitonioidea, Naticoidea, Calyptraeoidea, Cypraeoidea, some rissooideans and littorinoideans, and even some neogastropod taxa. Vermetid paraspermatozoa are anudeate, with one or more tails extending from both ends of a central body region. In contrast, paraspermatozoa of true cerithioideans: (1) have tails extending from only the posterior region of the 'head' (2) usually retain a condensed nuclear remnant and (3) sometimes possess an acrosome-like structure at the head apex. These results, in conjunction with anatomical work by Morton, suggest that the Vermetidae should be removed from the Cerithioidea and placed probably in its own superfamily (Vermetoidea Raphinesque, 1815) as practised by some recent workers. The Vermetoidea possibly are associable with the Stromboidea/Calyptraeoidea/Hipponicoidea/Xenophoroidea block within the Mesogastropoda.

Peron, 1900

Pterocera tuberosa Briart & Cornet, 1865 p. 17, pl. 2, fig. 1

Briart, A. & Cornet, F.-L. 1870. Description minéralogique, géologique et paléontologique de la Meule de Bracquegnies. Mémoires couronnés et Mémoires des Savants étrangers publiés par l’Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique 34, 1-92.

Rostellaria (Calyptrophorus) afra Vincent 1913 Rimella stainieri Vincent Dientomochilus diderrichi Vincent Terebellum (Seraphs) minus Vincent

M. Leriche, 1927, Catalogo de los fosiles del Congo

E. Vincent, 1913. La Faune Paléocène de Landana. Mollusques. Musée du Congo Belge, Géologie, Paléontologie, Minéralogie. Annales du Museum du Congo belge, Serie III. Bas- et Moyen-Congo, Ann. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-46, 6 pls.

Adegoke, 1973

Prestrombus Douvillé 1929.

  • Prestrombus rockei Cox 1931.
  • Prestrombus vredenburgi Douville 1929 (eventuelly Cyclomolops)

Douvillé, H., 1929, Les couches a Cardita beaumonti: Fasc. II. Les couches a Cardita beaumonti dans le Sind. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India, Palaeontologia Indica, 10(3): pp. 27-73, pls. 5-11.

Cox, L. R., 1931. A contribution to the molluscan fauna of the Laki and basal Kirthar groups of the Indian Eocene. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. 57, p. 25–92.

Skwarko, S.K.& Sufiati, E. 1994. Mollusca in Indonesian Cenozoic Biostratigraphy (a computerised compilation). Gastropoda. Geological Research & Development Centre, Palaeontological Section, Geology Division, Bandung , 3: 912 pp.

Winston Barney, 2010. New generic assignments for Strombidae: A summary of recent changes. American COnchologist, Vol. 38 (9/2010), No. 3, p. 19-22

STROMBUS Linnaeus 1758, Strombus pugilis pugilis Linnaeus 1758, Strombus pugilis worki Petuch 1994, Strombus alatus Gmelin 1791, Strombus gracilior Sowerby 1825, LAMBIS Röding 1798, Lambis lambis (Linnaeus 1758), Lambis truncata truncata (Lightfoot 1786), Lambis truncata sebae (Kiener 1843), Lambis crocata crocata (Link 1807), Lambis crocata pilsbryi Abbott 1961, CANARIUM Schumacher 1817, Canarium urceum urceum (Linnaeus 1758), Canarium urceum incisum (Wood 1828), Canarium urceum orrae (Abbott 1960), Canarium labiatum labiatum (Röding 1798), Canarium labiatum olydium (Duclos, 1844) Canarium erythrinum (Dillwyn, 1817) Canarium mutabile (Swainson, 1821) Canarium rugosum (Sowerby, 1825) Canarium scalariforme (Duclos, 1833) [According to Kronenberg, this name should have priority over the name Canarium haemastoma (Sowerby, 1842)] Canarium maculatum (Sowerby, 1842) Canarium fusiforme (Sowerby, 1842) Canarium helli (Kiener, 1843) Canarium microurceum Kira, 1959 Canarium ochroglottis (Abbott, 1960) Canarium klineorum (Abbott, 1960)

N.Vandenberghe, S.Van Simaeys, E. Steurbaut, J.W.M. Jagt & P. J. Felder, 2004. Stratigraphic architecture of the Upper Cretaceous and Cenozoic along the southern border of the North Sea Basin in Belgium. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences / Geologie en Mijnbouw 83 (3): 155-171 (2004)

François-Xavier Burtin, 1784. Oryctographie De Bruxelles ou Description Des Fossiles : Tant Naturels qu'accidentels découverts Jusqu'à ce Jour dans les environs de cette Ville. Bruxelles : Le Maire, 1784. [1] Bl., 152 S., XXXII Bl : Kupfert., 32 kolor. Ill. (Kupferst.) ; 2°

Laube Gastropoden von Balin

Colombellinidae, Calzada

de Loriol, P.; L'Abbé Bourgeat, 1886. Etude sur les mollusques des couches de Valfin. Abhandlungen der Schweizerischen paläontologischen Gesellschaft. Mémoires de la Société paléontologique Suisse. vol. XIII


Giornale de Scienze Naturali ed Economiche de Palermo

Zittelia plates


Rostellaria cornuta


Rostellaria delbosi Charles 1946 Note sur les fossiles hauteriviens du massif d'Allauch. Bulletin du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Marseille, 6(3-4) 1946: pp. 106-130

Rostellaria fidelis Cuvillier 1930 Revision du Nummulitique Egyptien. Memoires Institut d'Egypte, 16 1930: pp. 1-371

Rostellaria jacobi Collignon 1934 Fossiles Turoniens d'Antantiloky (province d'Analalava, Madagascar). Ann Geol Serv Madagascar, 4 1934: pp. 7-59

Rostellaria urae Shalem 1928 Fauna nuova Cenomaniana delle Argille Verdi di Gerusalemme. Bollettino della Societa Geologica Italiana, 47 1928: pp. 69-108

Tibia fusus

SCHNEIDER, S., NIEBUHR, B., WILMSEN, M. & VODRÀŽKA, R.. Between the Alb and the Alps – The fauna of the Upper Cretaceous Sandbach Formation (Passau region, SE Germany). – Bulletin of Geosciences, 86(4), pp. 785-816. URL

Types of Aporrhais gardneri, Aporrhais vogdti, Dicroloma allaverdyensis, Dicroloma cubanensis, Perissoptera simplicissima, Drepanochilus complexus, Drepanochilus subcoslac, Helicaulax subcostatum, Hippochrenes abichi, Perissoptera curta, Rimella caucasica, Rimella convexa, Rimella tenuistriata, Tylostoma lerganensc, Tylostoma minimale, Tylostoma ooniaeformis, Tylostoma ovale, Tylostoma subaequiaxis, Tylostoma subglobosum, Tylostoma subnaticoide, Tylostoma subpiranae, Tylostoma vasiiljevskii, Zittelia subhelvetica, Xenophora ustjurtensis are in the Central Scientific-Research Geological Exploration Museum in St. Petersburg.

  • Dicroloma (Perissoptera) simplicissima Pcelincev, 1927

Pcelincev, V.F., 1927. Fauna jury i niznego mela Kryma i Kavkaza [The jurassic and lower cretaceous fauna of the Crimea and the Caucasus]. Trudy Geol. Kom., N.S., 172, 2-320, Leningrad, Text

Strombus turboformis. Montagu pl. 30 f. 7.

  • Mr Dillwyn remarks that the Str. costatus, a very rare and local species, is plentiful in Bantry bay. We have resided there for a week together, for the sole purpose of examining the heaps which are dredged up for manure, and have never been so fortunate nor have any of our conchological friends, as to find a single specimen. It is probable that he mistook for it the Murex reticulatus, the most common of the shells among those heaps; and the more so, as at the time he made his visit to that part of Ireland, he confessedly paid little attention to this department of natural history. On the Western and Scotch coasts: rare.

Montagu. Testacea Britannica, or a Natural History of British Shells, and Supplement, by George Montagu, 1803, p. 255, Vol. 1

Stone, 2001. A cladistic analysis of species of Lambis (Gastropods: Strombidae). The Nautilus, v. 115 (2001)

Linder M., 1874. Observations sur les dépôts tertiaires du Médoc et du Blayais dans le département de la Gironde. Comptes rendus des séances de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux: 227-277.

LEYMErIE, A. (1881) : Description géologique et paléontologique des Pyrénées de la Haute Garonne. — XVII & 1010 p. und Atlas. — Toulouse. Plate

Rimella cretacea Reis

Hippochrenes nuda var. grandis Reis

HAGN, H. (1954): Geologisch-paläontologische Untersuchungen im Helvetikum und Flysch des Gebietes von Neubeuern am Inn (Oberbayern). - Geologica Bavarica, 22, S. 1-136, 26 Abb., 1 GK, München.

O.M.Reis, 1896

REIS, O. M. (1896): Erläuterungen zu der geologischen Karte der Voralpenzone zwischen Bergen und Teisendorf. I. Stratigraphischer Theil. - Geogn. Jh., 8, 1895: 1-155, 7 Abb.; Cassel (Geol. Karte in Band 7, 1895 erschienen).

 Geognostische Jahreshefte, Jg. 8, 1895


Otto M. Reis, 1896. Die Fauna der Hachauer Schichten. I. Gastropoden. Geognostische Jahreshefte 9:67-104, pls. 9-13

Strombus (Tricornis) tjilonganensis Martin, 1899 in Abbott, 1960

Martin, K. 1879. Die Tertiärschichten auf Java, nach den Entdeckungen von Fr. Junghuhn. 164 pp. Leiden: E. J. Brill.

Martin, K. 1883–1887. Palaeontologische Ergebnisse von Tiefbohrungen auf Java, nebst allgemeineren Studien u¨ber das Tertiär von Java, Timor und einiger anderer Inseln. Sammlungen des geologischen Reichsmuseums Leiden 1,3 (1–5): 1–380.

Martin, K. 1899–1906. Die Fossilien von Java auf Grund einer Sammlung von Dr. R. D. M. Verbeek. Sammlungen des geologischen Reichsmuseums Leiden (Neue Folge) 1: 1899: Ocinebra—Telescopium: 133–220, 1905: Modulus—Delphinula: 221–281, 1906: Nachtrag zu den Gastropoden: 281–325.

Martin, K. 1881 - 1883. Beiträge zur Geologie Ost-Asiens und Australiens. Band I

Martin, K. 1895 - 1917. Beiträge zur Geologie Ost-Asiens und Australiens. Band II

Martin, K. 1883 - 1887. Beiträge zur Geologie Ost-Asiens und Australiens. Band III.

Martin, K. 1916. Die Altmiocäne Fauna des West-Progogebirges auf Java. Sammlungen Geologischen Reichsmuseums Leiden 2: 223–296. Neue Folge. A. Gastropoda. - 1916. - 45 p. B. Scaphopoda, Lamellibranchiata, Rhizopoda u. allgemeiner Teil. - 1917. - 39 p.

Martin, K. 1931. Wann löste sich das Gebiet des Indischen Archipels von der Tethys. Leidsche Geologische Mededeelingen 4: 1–8.

Chenopus pes cabbonis

Chenopus Mac Andrewi

Gottwald, Christoph (1714) Museum Gottwaldianum. [s.n.]. Icones zootomicae, die wirbellosen Thiere Carus, Julius Victor (1857) Icones zootomicae, die wirbellosen Thiere. Wilhelm Engelmann Lambis lambis

Rostellaria parkinsonii in

H.G. Bronn, 1838. Lethaea geognostica oder Abbildungen und Beschreibungen der für die Gebirgs - Formationen bezeichnendsten Versteinerungen, Zweiter Band, das Kreide- und Molassen-Gebirge enthaltend, Stuttgart, E. Schweizerbart's Verlagshandlung, pp. 545-1346

Bronn, 1837

P.-J. Van Beneden, 1835. Quelques observations sur les fossiles de la provinve d'Anvers. Bull. de l'Acad. roy. de Bruxelles, II, 1835, p. 67/68:

  • "Ces deux terrain [Eckeren and Boom] renferment une immense quantité de coquilles fossiles, dont un grand nombre forme des espéces nouvelles."

About Van Beneden:

Fusus coronatus Morris & Lycett, 1851:23, pl. 5, fig. 5 placed in Alaria by Hudleston & Wilson, 1892:73

Alaria renamed Pterophorus

[Pterophorus Schäffer, 1766 is also an insect, moth]

Source: M.A. Snyder, 2003. Catalogue of the marine gastropod family Fsciolariidae, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Special Publication 21, p. 73

Alaria bernouilensis De Loriol, 1868:pl. 5, fig. 14; pl. 4, fig. 1 placed in Fusus by Andreae, 1887: 41; placed in Maturifusus by Schröder, 1996:40 (as bernouillensis)

Fusus obliqueplicatus Binkhorst, 1861:70, pl. 5a3, figs. 8 a, b placed in Alaria by Mourlon, 1881:106 (original spelling oblique plicatus)

Mourlon, M. 1881. Geologie de la Belgique. Brussels, F. Hayez, Vol. 2:I-XIV, 1-392 Fulltext Vol. 1, Fulltext Vol. 2

  • Harpagodes magnificus, Roll 90, 97 Pl. 46-47, fig. 10.
  • Harpagodes Heimi, Roll 92, 98
  • Harpagodes Dobrogiacus, Roll.
  • Harpagodes Grewingki, Roll 97 Pl. 46-47,

ROLLIER, L. 1911-1919. Fossiles nouveaux ou peu connus des terrains secondaires (mésozoïques) du Jura et des contrées environnantes. Vol.1: pp. XX, 696 (Parties 1 - 7 ou Fascicules 1 - 6), contenant des échinodermes, annélides, spirobranches et lamellibranches; Vol. 2: pls. 1-40; Vol. 3: pp. 101, pls. 9 Septième fascicule (ou Tome second, 1re partie). Avec les planches 41 - 45; [and:] Huitième fascicule (ou Tome second, 2e Partie). Avec les planches 46 - 49.(= Mémoires de la Société paléontologique suisse, vol. 37 - 44 (1910 - 1919))

has to be revised*

Davis, M., Bolton, C.A., Stoner, A.W. 1993. A comparison of larval development, growth, and shell morphology in three Caribbean Strombus species. Veliger, 36, pp. 236-244.

Acosta, C.A. 2006. Impending trade suspensions of Caribbean queen conch under CITES: A case study on fishery impacts and potential for stock recovery. Fisheries, 31 (12), pp. 601-606.

Mitton, J.B., Berg, C.J., Orr, K.S. 1989. Population structure, larval dispersal, and gene flow in the Queen Conch, Strombus gigas, of the Caribbean. Biol. Bull, 177, pp. 356-362.

Zamora-Bustillos, R., Rodríguez-Canul, R., De León, F.J.G. 2007.Isolation and characterization of eight polymorphic microsatellite markers from pink conch (Strombus gigas). Molecular Ecology Notes, 7 (4), pp. 597-599.

Zamora-Bustillos, R., Rodríguez-Canul, R., De León, F.J.G., Cetina, J.T. 2011. Genetic diversity in two populations of the snail Strombus gigas (Gastropoda: Strombidae) from Yucatan, Mexico, using Microsatellite [Diversidad genética de dos poblaciones del caracol strombus gigas (gastropoda: Strombidae) en Yucatán, México, con microsatélite] Revista de Biologia Tropical, 59 (3), pp. 1127-1134

Quadrinervus hirsutus (Dollfuss). Late Callovian, Matmor Member, Makhtesh Hatira, Subunit 48, M-6148 Israel journal of earth sciences, Bände 28-30, 1979, p. 142, 146, 148

 Phyllocheilus hirsutus (Dollfuss) from the Kimmeridge (Piette , 1876: pl. 62, figs. 1-4). 

Balán-Dzul, V., de Jesús-Navarrete, A. Density, abundance and population structure of the milk conch strombus costatus of the mexican Caribbean (2011) Revista de Biologia Marina y Oceanografia, 46 (1) pp. 1-8.

Beu, A.G., Marshall, B.A. New Cenozoic records of genera and families from New Zealand (Mollusca, Gastropoda): Highlights from phillip maxwell's collection (2011) New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 54 (1) pp. 13-34.

Beu, A.G. Marine Mollusca of isotope stages of the last 2 million years in New Zealand. Part 4. Gastropoda (Ptenoglossa, Neogastropoda, Heterobranchia) (2011) Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 41 (1) pp. 1-153.

Dicroloma bononiensis cited in Fuersich 1984

Franz T. Fürsich, 1984. Benthic macroinvertebrate associations from the Boreal Upper Jurassic of Milne Land, central East Greenland, Gronlands Geologiske Undersogelse Bulletin No. 149

D. bononiensis from Greenland might be defined in

Rosenkrantz, A. 1929: Preliminary account of the geology of the Scoresby Sound district. In Koch, L. The geology of East Greenland. Meddr Gr0nland 73(2), 135-154.


Parat, M. & Drach, P. 1933: Le Portlandien du Cap Leslie dans le Scoresby Sund (Groenland). C.r. hebd. Seanc. Acad. Sci. Paris 196, 1909-1911. Parat, M. & Drach, P. 1934: Rapport sur les observations d'histoire naturelle et de geographic physique. Annls hydrograph. 1934, 1-17.


H. Aldinger, 1935 Aldinger, H. 1935: Geologische Beobachtungen im Oberen Jura des Scoresbysundes (Ostgronland). Meddr Gr0nland 99(1), 128 pp.

or most probably in

Spath, L. F. 1935: The Upper Jurassic invertebrate faunas of Cape Leslie, Milne Land. I. Oxfordian and Lower Kimmeridgian. Meddr Gr0nland 99(2), 82 pp. Spath, L. F. 1936: The Upper Jurassic invertebrate faunas of Cape Leslie, Milne Land, II. Upper Kimmeridgian and Portlandian. Meddr Gr0nland 99(3), 180 pp.

Spinigera alternopunctata Kuhn 1938 Kuhn, 1938 O. Kuhn, Die Fauna des Dogger δ der Frankenalb (Mit Nachträgen zum übrigen Jura), Nova Acta Leopoldino-Carolinae Halle N.F. 6 (1938), pp. 125–170, pls. 1-6

Spinigera paueri Boehm 1891 [Title unknown.] Palaeontogr, xxxviii 1891: Unpaginated. [Zoological Record Volume 28]

Aporrhais rapax Boehm, 1891 p. 60

Cultrigera rauffi Boehm, 1891 p. 61

Helicaulax falcata Boehm, 1891 p. 61

Lispodesthes zekelii Gümbel, 1861

Lispodesthes magnifica Boehm, 1891

plates: p. 219

Dicroloma serotina Chavan Santonian

Chavan, A. 1947. La faune companienne du Mont des Oliviers d'aprés les matériaux Vignal Massé. Journal de Conchyliologie 87(4):125-197, pls.2-4

Chavan, A. 1949.Nouvelle contribution à l'étude des mollusques de Vigny. Compte Rendu. Sommaire des Séances, Société Géologique de France 12:243-245, text figs. 1-9.

Chavan, A. 1952. Additions a la faune de mollusques du Ranikot. Cahiers Géologiques de Thoiry No. 11:89-94, text figs. 1-17

Grateloup, J.P.S. de. 1828. Tableau des coquilles fossiles qu'on rencontre dans les terrains calcaires tertiares (faluns) des environs de Dax, département des Landes. Bulletin d'Histoire Naturelle de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux, 2: 72-109. no Stromboidea

Grateloup, J.P.S. de. 1828. Tableau (suite du) des coquilles fossiles qu'on rencontre dans les terrains calcaires tertiares (faluns) des environs de Dax, département des Landes. Bulletin d'Histoire Naturelle de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux, 2: 123-158. no Stromboidea

Grateloup, J.P.S. de. 1828. Tableau (suite du) des coquilles fossiles qu'on rencontre dans les terrains calcaires tertiares (faluns) des environs de Dax, département des Landes. Bulletin d'Histoire Naturelle de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux, 2: 192-204. no Stromboidea

Grateloup, J.P.S. de. 1829. Tableau (suite du) des coquilles fossiles qu'on rencontre dans les terrains calcaires tertiares (faluns) des environs de Dax, département des Landes. Actes de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux, 3: 43-62.

Grateloup, J.P.S. de. 1829. Tableau (suite du) des coquilles fossiles qu'on rencontre dans les terrains calcaires tertiares (faluns) des environs de Dax, département des Landes. Actes de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux, 3: 87-.

Grateloup, J.P.S. de. 1829. Tableau (suite du) des coquilles fossiles qu'on rencontre dans les terrains calcaires tertiares (faluns) des environs de Dax, département des Landes. Actes de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux, 3: 143-.

Grateloup, J.P.S. de. 1832. Tableau (suite du) des coquilles fossiles qu'on rencontre dans les terrains calcaires tertiares (faluns) des environs de Dax, département des Landes. Actes de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux, 5: 314-344.

Grateloup, J.P.S. de. 1847. Conchyliologie fossile des terrains tertiaires du Bassin de l'Adour (environs de Dax). Tome I. Univalves. Atlas. Bordeaux: Lafargue. xx pp., 48 pls. with descriptive text, index 1-12.

Alaria (Dicroloma) subcochleata Andreae, 1887? Alaria (Drepanocheilus) roederi Andreae, 1887

  • Andreae, A. 1887. Die Glossophoren des Terrain a Chailles der Pfirt. Abhandlungen zur Geologischen Specialkarte von Elsass-Lothringen 4(3): 1-45, pl. 1 (Fulltext)

Alaria pellati Piette Alaria ritteri Thurmann

Geologisches Zentralblatt, Band 32 (1925), p. 156-157

Dicroloma (Pietteia) huguenini Riche, A. et Roman, F., La Montagne de Crussol, Etude stratigraphioue et paléontologioue. Trav. Labor. géol. Fac. Sc. Lyon, fasc. I, 196 p., 8 pl, 19 fig. texte. Lyon, 1921.

Hirsch F. 1979. Jurassic bivalves and gastropods from Northern Sinai and Southern Israel. Israel Journal of Earth Sciences. 28 (4), 128-163.

Pietteia hesitans Piette et Deslongchamps. 1867 Phyllocheilus pictaviensis Quadrinervus elegans Phyllocheilus bentleyi

Cuphosolenus barrensis Buvignier 1891[16] Cuphosolenus (?) beaumonti (Guirand & Ogérien 1869)[17] Cuphosolenus (?) calvus (Contejean 1858)[18] Cuphosolenus deshayeseus (Buvignier 1852)[19] Cuphosolenus deslongchampsianus Buvingier 1891[20] Cuphosolenus fusoides (Dolfus 1863)[22] Cuphosolenus galateae (D'Orbigny 1847)[23] Cuphosolenus gaulardeus (Buvignier 1852)[24] Cuphosolenus matronensis (DeLoriol 1871)[26] Cuphosolenus (?) sphinx Piette, 1882[27] Cuphosolenus theodoriensis Buvignier 1891

Chenopus (Tessarolax) bicarinata var. evolutior Jaworski, 1938 Barremian-Aptian, Colombia

Jaworski, E. 1936. Gastropoden aus der unteren Kreide von Kolombien. Neues Jb. Miner. Geol. Paläont. Beil. Bd. 76, Abt. B, Heft 3, 512-538

Aporrhais (Tessarolax) antarctica El conocimiento geológico de la Antártida, 1959, p.34

W.H. Dall, 1915. Monograph of the Molluscan Fauna of the Orthaulax Pugnax Zone of the Oligocene of Tampa, Florida. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. Bulletin 90, pp.169 Strombus liocyclus p.88: Shell small for the genus, slender, with a rather narrowly attenuated spire, and 7 (or more) whorls apex decollate in the specimen, having originally about two or three more turns than are preserved; whorls moderately convex and slightly shouldered; whole surface originally sculptured with minute, close-set, straight, axial threads; on the fourth whorl, counting backward from the aperture there are about 16 rounded riblets, which become obsolete toward the sutures and pass insensibly into the somewhate narrower interspaces; on the apical whorls, as in most species of this group of the genus, these riblets are narrower, closer and less prominent; and on the last half of the last whorl obsolete, there being about 7 on this whorl, mostly on the first half of it, the series in the type-specimen on this whorl being confined to the shoulder of the whorl; the upper whorls also show traces of faint, equal, revolving threads, three behind and six in front of the shoulder on the penultimate whorl; on the base of the last whorl there are also traces of half a dozen shallow rather distant spiral grooves, though the canal proper seems smooth; aperture narrow, produced and patulous behind; the outer lip straight, thickened, parallel with the inner lip, internally without lirae; ocular sulcus shallow, wide; canal short, wide, slightly recurved; inner lip smooth, somewhat callous.

 Length of shell 36.5, of last whorl 27.5, of aperture 24.5, maximum diameter 17.5 mm. 

Tampa silex beds at Ballast Point, Tampa Bay, Florida. One specimen from the Post collection US Nat. Mus. No. 165101.

Spinigera inexpecta Pchelincev

Helicaulax rectalatus

Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, Band 2, p.416

  • Helicaulax gracilis Joh. Böhm
  • Columbellaria Strombecki Joh. Böhm
  • Aporrhais ditropis Ryckh.
  • Aporrhais Cerithium Ryckh.

Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie. Beilage-Band: Geologie, Paläontologie 1927, Band 58

BÖHM J. (1927) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Senonfauna der bithynischen Halbinsel. Palaeontographica, Stuttgart, 69, p.187-222, fig.1-3, pl.11-18

Ryckholt, P. de. 1851-1862. Mélanges Paléontologiques. 1re Partie, Mémoires Couronnés et Mémoires des savants étrangers de l'Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique 24:1.176, pls. 1.10, 1851; 2me Partie [privately printed], 1-205, pls. 11-20, 1854; 3me Partie [privately printed], pls. 21-36, title page, errata page (no text), 1860-1862. [most plates are individually dated; see also Rosenberg and Petit, 1987].

A.G. Beu, 2009. Before the ice: Biogeography of Antarctic Paleogene molluscan faunas. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology Volume 284, Issues 3-4, pp. 191-226

  • ?Struthioptera sp. Aforia clallamensis Karczewski 31: 8
  • Buccinaria sp. Karczewski 32: 3, 5
  • Sipho sp. Karczewski 33: 6
  • Archimediella cf. subangulata Karczewski 35: 1
  • Streptochetus abruptus Karczewski 35: 13
  • ?Perissodonta sp. (126) Struthiolaria cf. hatcheri Pugaczewska 24: 4
  • Perissodonta sp. Nassa nordenskjoldi antarctica Pugaczewska 23: 8

I. Karczewski, Gastropods from the Cape Melville Formation (Lower Miocene) of King George Island, West Antarctica, Palaeontologia Polonica 49 (1987), pp. 127–145.Fulltext

H. Pugaczewska, Tertiary Bivalvia and Scaphopoda from glaciomarine deposits at Magda Nunatak, King George Island (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica), Studia Geologica Polonica 79 (1984), pp. 53–58

126. Genus Perissodonta Martens, von (1878): As was also concluded by (Nielsen, 2005) and (Griffin and Nielsen, 2008), no taxonomically significant characters separate Perissodonta Martens, von (1878), Struthiolarella Steinmann and Wilckens, 1908 and Antarctodarwinella Zinsmeister (1976, p. 111). These taxa were distinguished by the coarseness of their spiral and axial sculpture, and were considered to constitute a “subfamily Struthiolarellinae” by Zinsmeister and Comacho (1980, fig. 7), but they intergrade. Antarctodarwinella was distinguished also by the repeated, heavy callous deposits formed by the outer lip around the last whorl, but such a callus has not been considered a generic character in either Tylospira (present in T. glomerata and, to a lesser extent, T. gilli; Darragh, 1991) or Conchothyra, in both of which narrowly and heavily calloused species are accepted in the one genus. The living South Georgian species Perissodonta georgiana Strebel, 1908 (which probably intergrades with the type species, P. mirabilis (Smith, 1875); Powell, 1960 A.W.B. Powell, Antarctic and subantarctic Mollusca, Records of the Auckland Institute and Museum 5 (1960), pp. 117–193.Powell, 1960, p. 144) has coarse, prominent axial and spiral sculpture (Powell, 1951, pl. 8, fig. 40–42), similar to that of Argentinean fossil species referred to Struthiolarella and to S. steinmanni Stilwell and Zinsmeister (1992, p. 108, pl. 13 m–p). (Powell, 1951) and (Powell, 1960) synonymised Struthiolarella with Perissodonta. As noted by Powell (1951), it is clear from their comments that (Marwick, 1924) and (Finlay and Marwick, 1937) used Struthiolarella because they were not aware of the name Perissodonta. Steinmann and Wilckens (1908) apparently were not either, as they did not mention it when proposing Struthiolarella. Marwick (1960, p. 21) again considered Struthiolarella to be a synonym of Perissodonta, listing them in formal synonymy, and confirming his earlier lack of knowledge of the name Perissodonta. In my opinion, Struthiolarella and Antarctodarwinella are subjective synonyms of Perissodonta.

Tessarolax article:

M.I. Simpson, The stratigraphy of the Atherfield Clay Formation (Lower Aptian, Lower Cretaceous) at the type and other localities in southern England, Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, Volume 96, Issue 1, 1985, Pages 23-45,

  • Abstract:

A description of the lithostratigraphy of the Atherfield Clay Formation at the type locality (Atherfield, Isle of Wight) is presented, and a comparison made with the ammonite zonal scheme of Casey (1961). The members of the formation are defined and the stratigraphical nomenclature is revised; the `Atherfield Clay' of Fitton (1847), comprising only that part of the Atherfield succession which represents the Deshayesites fittoni Subzone, is here renamed the Chale Clay Member. The macrofauna of the entire formation at Atherfield is recorded; it includes a newly discovered assemblage of decapod crustaceans which contains Meyeria ornata (Phillips), a species previously known only from the Boreal Lower Cretaceous. A correlation is made between the sequence at Atherfield and those of Compton Bay and Redcliff (Isle of Wight) and the Dorset Coast. A review is also made of the succession in the Weald.

Anchura carinella (d'Orbigny) Perissoptera robinaldina (d'Orbigny) P. glabra (Forbes) Cyphosolenus coronatus (Tate) Dimorphosoma ancylochila (Gardner) D. kinklispira (Gardner) D. sp. Tessarolax moreausianum

Hiromichi Hirano, Cretaceous biostratigraphy and ammonites in Hokkaido, Japan, Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, Volume 93, Issue 2, 1982, Pages 213-223,

  • Abstract:

The Cretaceous sediments of Hokkaido are composed of miogeosynclinal and deltaic sediments from the Aptian to the Maastrichtian, distributed in two belts westward of the paired metamorphic belts. In the west belt and between the west and the east belts, the facies change eastward from shallow-water to off-shore. The ammonite fauna belongs to the Pacific-Tethyan realm(s) and is dominated by off-shore forms. Correlation with the European standard by ammonites, inocerami, foraminifers, radiolarians and nannoplankton has been undertaken concurrently in the three districts.

William James Kennedy, The Correlation of the Lower Chalk of South-East England, Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, Volume 80, Issue 4, 1969, Pages 459-560, IN1-IN9

  • Abstract:

The Lower Chalk of south-eastern England is a richly fossiliferous sequence 54-104 m. thick, spanning most of the Cenomanian Stage. It rests with a slight break or without interruption on Upper Albian dispar-perinflatum Sub-zone sediments of Gault or Upper Greensand facies. The upper limit as here adopted is marked by a slight break at the base of the Cenomanian-Turonian plenus Marls (Metoicoceras gourdoni Zone), the sub-plenus erosion surface of Jefferies (1962, 1963). Of the many groups of fossils present, the ammonites provide the most useful means of subdivision and correlation. The distribution of these, and of other originally aragonitic fossils, is largely controlled by preservation, and there are levels at which there is evidence of seafloor dissolution of aragonite. Nevertheless, three ammonite zones can be recognised: 3. Zone of Calycoceras naviculare 2. Zone of Acanthoceras rhotomagense 1. Zone of Mantelliceras mantelli Within the M. mantelli Zone three assemblages are identified, characterised by: (a) Hypoturrilites carcitanensis, (b) Mantelliceras saxbii, (c) Mantelliceras gr. dixoni. There are also three assemblages in the Zone of A. rhotomagense, characterised by: (a) Turrilites costatus, (b) Turrilites acutus, (c) Acanthoceras jukes-brownei. The C. naviculare Zone is not subdivided. These zones are comparable to those proposed by Hancock (1959) for the type Cenomanian, and are equivalent to the Lower, Middle and Upper parts of the Stage. Bivalves, corals and brachiopods also have a use in correlation, and even fragments of the commonest fossils--Inoceramus and Holaster--are of local use.

Dittmar, A. 1864. Die Contorta-Zone (Zone der Avicula Contorta Portl.), Ihre Verbreitung und organischen Einschlüsse. München: Herrmann Manz. pp. 1-217, pls. 1-3.

p.138 Rostellaria cornuta

Alaria quenstedti

p.63 Garmisch mit dem Lahnewiesgraben und Naidernachthal finden wir zwischen Lech und Isar bei Partenkirchen am Nordfusse der weithin sichtbaren Zugspitz. Geological map Garmisch-Partenkirchen

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