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People / Keoki Stender

Keoki Stender

Canarium hellii (Rousseau in Kiener, 1843); Oahu Island, Hawaii Islands, USA; 250 feet; Photos & Copyright Keoki Stender

Keoki Stender: Canarium wilsonorum (Abbott, 1967) from Hawaii

WILSON'S STROMB: Rare on sand-covered pavement at scuba depth. Color pattern variable, aperture edged with brown. Attains 1.25 inch. Hawaii & the Indo-Pacific. Formerly known as Strombus wilsoni.

Canarium wilsonorum (Abbott, 1967); Ewa, Oahu Island, Hawaii Islands, USA; Photo Keoki Stender

Canarium wilsonorum (Abbott, 1967); Ewa, Oahu Island, Hawaii Islands, USA; Photo Keoki Stender

Keoki Stender on Canarium maculatum (Sowerby, 1842) from Hawaii

SPOTTED STROMB: Uncommon while alive on algal mats in tidepools and wave benches, but commonly inhabited by hermit crab. Orange-banded or yellow form is rare. Attains 1 inch. Hawaii, Micronesia, SE Polynesia. Formerly known as Strombus maculatus (Sowerby, 1842).

Canarium maculatum (Sowerby, 1842); Sharks Cove tidepool, Oahu Island, Hawaii Islands, USA; Photo Keoki Stender

Canarium maculatum (Sowerby, 1842); Makua, Oahu Island, Hawaii Islands, USA; Photo Keoki Stender

Gibberulus gibbosus (Röding, 1798); fossil; Sand Island, Hawaii Islands, USA; 32 mm; Coll. Keoki Stender

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- It was last modified on January 23, 2017, at 01:37 PM-