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People / Richard Goldberg
  • Richard Goldberg


Richard Goldberg on Strombus pugilis Linnaeus, 1758 from Jamaica:

  • "I found an interesting molluscan phenomenon along the south central coast of Jamaica. All of the Strombus we found had dwarf adult shells. No typical size specimens were present. The largest Strombus pugilis was 55mm; the smallest 50mm (lower left). The upper left specimen is 52mm, which was an average size. The right specimen is a 64mm Strombus costatus. Typically specimens are found in sizes 20 to 50mm or more for the costatus and 10 to 25mm larger for the pugilis. I'm not sure what is causing the dwarfism, but warmer than normal water temps might be the culprit causing the mollusks to mature at an earlier stage of growth and create the mature lip at a smaller size."

Copyright Richard Goldberg

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