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People / Tom De Vries

Tom DeVries

Homepage on the Pisco Basin, Peru

Examples from Tom DeVries collection:

Peruchilus cf. culberti Olsson, 1931; Otuma Formation, Oligocene; Paracas, Ica Region, Peru; Coll. Tom DeVries; Copyright Tom DeVries

Comment by Tom DeVries:

  • Regarding info about Peruchilus - there is only Olsson's original study and my specimens from the Otuma Fm. of southern Peru (probably 38-36 Ma). That's all that is known. It probably lived in the inner to mid-shelf - not intertidally, not in slope-depth water.

Ectinochilus cf. gaudichaudi (d'Orbigny, 1842); late Eocene; Southern Peru; Coll. Tom DeVries; Copyright Tom DeVries

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