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Species / Rostellaria Elongata
  • Rostellaria elongata

Rostellaria elongata is used twice:

  • Rostellaria elongata Sowerby, 1836
  • Rostellaria elongata Roemer, 1841 (junior homonym)

Rostellaria elongata Sowerby, 1836

Original Description of Rostellaria elongata by Sowerby in Fitton, 1836 , 1836, p. 336:

  • "Fig 16 Rostellaria elongata. Presumed to be a Rostellaria, from its resemblance to R. marginata, fig. 18; from which it differs principally in its great length and the smaller number of ribs. Turrited, much elongated, ribbed transversely, striated; upper edge of the whorls smooth."

Stratum typicum: Gault, Albian, lower Cretaceous

Locus typicus: Copt Point, Folkestone, Kent County, South East Region, England

History and Synonymy


Aporrhais marginata in Pictet & Campiche, 1864, pl. XCIV, fig. 2 a, b; 3 a, b

  • "Sainte-Croix, Switzerland; Lower Gault


Aporrhais elongata in Gardner, 1875, pl. V, fig. 2, 2a, 3


Aporrhais elongata Wollemann, 1906, pl. 10, fig. 8, 9

Rostellaria elongata Sowerby in Fitton, 1836 , pl. XI, fig. 16

Aporrhais elongata (Sowerby, 1836); Gault, Albian, lower Cretaceous; Folkestone, Kent County, South East Region, England; Coll. BM(NH), Copyright BM(NH)

Aporrhais elongata (Sowerby, 1836); Gault, Albian, lower Cretaceous; Folkestone, Kent County, South East Region, England; Coll. BM(NH) No. 48136, Copyright BM(NH)

Pseudanchura elongata (Sowerby, 1836); Gault, Albian, lower Cretaceous; Folkestone, Kent County, South East Region, England; Coll. BM(NH) No. 71948, Copyright BM(NH)

Anchura elongata (Sowerby, 1836); Gault, Albian, lower Cretaceous; Folkestone, Kent County, South East Region, England; Coll. BM(NH), Copyright BM(NH)


Rostellaria elongata Roemer, 1841

Comment: This shell does not belong to Stromboidea

Original Description of Rostellaria elongata by Roemer, 1841, p. 78:

  • "Lang, spindelförmig, mit hohen, außen senkrechten, sehr wenig gewölbten, längsgefalteten und fein quer liniirten Umgängen; Gewinde etwa 2/3 der Länge des letzten Umganges, welcher nach unten allmählig in einen langen Kanal verläuft und auch sehr flach gewölbt erscheint. Die Windungen zeigen von jeder Seite 6-8 Falten.

Loci./Strati.: "Oberer Kreidemergel bei Aachen?, Pläner bei Strehlen" (Strehlen-Formation, lower Coniacian / upper Turonian), upper Cretaceous

Rostellaria elongata Roemer, 1841, pl. XI, fig. 5

History and Synonymy


Rostellaria elongata in Geinitz, 1842, pl. XVIII, fig. 7


Reuss, 1844 identified Rostellaria elongata Roemer as homonym and created Pleurotoma römeri.


Geinitz, 1846 identified Rostellaria elongata Roemer and Pleurotoma römeri as synonym of Pleurotoma induta Goldfuss


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