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Species / Aporrhais Arrialoorensis


  • Aporrhaidae
    • Aporrhais
      • Aporrhais arrialoorensis Stoliczka, 1867

Original Description of Aporrhais arrialoorensis Stoliczka, 1867, p. 28:

  • "Ap. testa acute-ovata, anfractibus septenis, convexis, minute cancellatis; ultimo spira altiore, supra medium acute-, infra sub-carinato, spiraliter striato; apertura angustata; canali anteriore brevi, posteriore spirae usque ad apicem decurrente; labro parum expanso, digitato (?), ad marginem crassiore, reflexo, extus acuto."
  • Shell oval, pointed on each end, composed of seven convex volutions, which are ornamented with spiral and slightly curved transversal striae, the latter being somewhat stronger, The last whorl is higher than the spira, inflated and provided above the middle with a stronger and below it with a smaller keel, both of which form probably small points or digitations on the outer margin of the aperture; spiral striae are numerous above and below the keels, between them only one is present. The anterior canal is short pointed, much thickened internally and slightly bent inwards at the point of termination. The aperture is very much narrowed by the thickness of the lips, as is generally the case in other species of this genus. The outer lip is not much expanded, terminating in one or more probably in two points; its margin is somewhat reflected, showing a slight sinus near the anterior canal; the posterior canal is prolonged up to the apex of the spire being annexed to the previous volutions."

Locus typicus: "Comarapolliam near Ootacod", Tamil Nadu, India

Stratum typicum: "Arrialoor group", Campanian

Aporrhais arrialoorensis Stoliczka, 1867, pl. 2, fig.1


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