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Species / Drepanocheilus Bicarinatus


Original Description of Drepanocheilus bicarinatus Abbass, 1963, p. 80:

  • " The shell is of medium size with pointed spire which consists of 6-7 convex whorls. The sutures are linear and deep. An anterior carina is found on earlier whorls and a second one is hidden under the succeeding whorls. The ornament consists of fine opisthocyrt axial ridges which become attenuated on the later whorls. The body whorl forms about half the height of the shell and carries two carinae. It contracts anteriorly, in front of the carina, to form a short beak. The aperture is oval and its outer lip is angular at the carinae."

Locus typicus: Kelabia, South Esna, Egypt

Stratum typicum: Maastrichtian, Cretaceous

Holotype: Ho]otype, GMCE (G. 286).


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- It was last modified on December 15, 2019, at 12:02 PM-