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Species / Lispodesthes Lirata


Original Description of Lispodesthes lirata by Stephenson, 1955:

  • "Shell small, with plump body whorl and spire of medium height. Spiral angle about 46°, though somewhat variable on different individuals. Protoconch apparently low turbinate, with about 1 coils. Suture closely appressed in a shallow depression. Whorls 4 or 5, gently convex on the side, expanding rather rapidly, bearing spiral lirae that may become covered with callus in adults. The body whorl of adults bears eight to twelve thin, low, threadlike spiral lirae, ranging from distinct to obscure and on different individuals from regularly to very irregularly spaced; those low on the base are most obscure. The growth lines are sinuous, being broadly convex in trend toward the front on the base and broadly concave forward on the side above the periphery. The periphery and base are broadly rounded, the latter becoming rather steep below. Aperture longlanceolate, acutely angular at the rear, and passing in front into a rather long, narrow curved siphonal canal (beak). Outer lip broadly arched in the younger stages, expanding in adults into two pronglike projections. The upper of the projections is long and narrow and curves upward spurlike; on the body whorl one of the upper lirae, usually the third one below the suture, becomes more prominent as it. approaches the aperture, and extends as a sharply upraised ridge out on the upper projection to its tip. The lower projection is broader, shorter, and may end in a blunt, inbent point; one of the basal lirae extends as a slightly raised ridge out onto this projection. A groove on the inner surface of each projection, the upper one the deepest, is a reflection of the ridge on the outer surface. In the adult the mantle of the living organism spread outward away from both the inner and the outer lip and secreted a layer of callus on the outer surface; in fully mature individuals callus may cover the entire shell, concealing the spiral lirae. In mature shells an anal channel incised in callus extends from the posterior angle of the aperture up the outer side of the spire to the apex."

Locus typicus: Walnut Creek, about 4,75 miles east-northeast of Mansfield, Tarrant County, Texas, USA

Stratum typicum: Basal Eagle Ford Shale, Cenomanian, upper Cretaceous

Lispodesthes lirata Stephenson, 1955, pl. 4, fig. 6 - 11

  • fig. 6: Holotype
  • plate courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey

Drawing following Stephenson, 1955:

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