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Species / Rimella Fowleriana


Original Description of Rostellaria (Rimella) fowleriana by Maury, 1912, p. 89:

  • "Shell of moderate size, rather broadly fusiform; number of whorls known five; sculpture on last volution consisting only of about fifteen delicate, spiral striae revolving around the basal half of the whorl which is elsewhere entirely smooth; sculpture on penultimate whorl consisting of one strong medial spiral thread and a few rather irregular, more or less obsolete, longitudinal riblets, better developed on the earlier half of the whorl; sculpture on third whorl consisting also of one medial revolving spiral and a number of close-set longitudinal riblets or plications; the latter also form the ornamentation of the fourth and fifth volutions; each whorl has one or more rather inconspicuous varices."

Locus typicus: "Bed No. 8", Soldado Rock, Gulf of Paria, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

Stratum typicum: "Lignitic Eocene."

Dimensions: "Length of incomplete shell 21, greatest width 10 mm."

"Remarks.-This is the first Rimella found in the Lower Eocene. None has before been discovered in either the Midway or Lignitic horizons of southeastern North America or northeastern South America."

Etymology: "The writer takes great pleasure in naming this shell in honor of Mr. William Fowler, of Guanoco, Venezuela, whose many kindnesses did so much to render pleasant her visit to Venezuela."

Rostellaria (Rimella) fowleriana Maury, 1912, pl. XII, fig. 11


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