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Species / Strombus Australis
  • Strombus australis

The name Strombus australis has been used for different species:

Original Description of Strombus australis by Gray, 1827:

  • "Testa ovato.oblonga tuberculata spiraliter sulcata albida fusco-variegata, spira exserta, cauda recurva, labro incrassato posterius lobo digiti-formi terminato intus (roseo?) sulcato."
  • "Shell ovate oblong, spiral; white, spotted and lined with pale, fulvous-brown; the spire exserted, conical, half as long as the shell; the whorls longitudinally ribbed with one more prominent than the rest, the one nearest the suture being acute and tuberculated; the canal recurved; the outer lip thickened, ending in a projecting lobe behind, and edged with two or three blunt tuberles; the throat rose-coloured, furrowed; the inner lip much thickened."

Locus typicus: Australia

Strombus australis in Kiener, 1843, pl. ?, fig. 1


  • Gray, J.E., 1827: Containing a list and description of the subjects of natural history collected during Captain King's survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia, p. 408-565 in P.P. King, 1827: Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia: Performed Between the Years 1818 and 1822, Vol. 2, J. Murray, London, 637 p.

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