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Species / Tessarolax Incrustata


Original Description of Tessarolax incrustata by Anderson & Hanna, 1935

  • "Shell of medium size, robust, biconic; height of holotype (incomplete at base), 43 mm.; width of body-whorl, 30 mm.; height of spire, 30 mm.; spire accuminate, heavily incrusted, whorls concealed; body-whorl inflated, bicarinate, angulated at base and above it, bearing on the lower angle two or three obtuse spines, heavily incrusted; aperture broad, sub-quadrate, ending above in a long and broad ascending canal against the spire; ascending canal ending abruptly above, curving outward at its top, forming a V-shaped notch; outer lip angulated, digitate; inner lip smooth, heavily incrusted, forming at the outer margin a projecting ledge, bearing on the body-whorl a narrow nodular process, or expansion; base of body-whorl abrupt, anterior canal not shown, but apparently not much produced; entire shell encrusted as if it had been completely covered by a mantle."

Locus typicus: Johnson's ranch, midway between Rosario and Santa Catarina Landing, Baja California State, Baja California Peninsula, Mexico

Stratum typicum: upper Cretaceous

Types: California Academy of Science San Francisco; Holotype no. 1430.02; Paratype no. 1430.03

Tessarolax incrustata Anderson & Hanna, 1935; Hypotype; Rosario Formation, uppermost Campanian to lowermost Maastrichtian, Cretaceous; Arroyo San Antonio, northern Baja California State, Baja California Peninsula, Mexico; Coll. LACMIP no. 13594; Copyright Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County

Tessarolax incrustata Anderson & Hanna, 1935; Hypotype; Rosario Formation, uppermost Campanian to lowermost Maastrichtian, Cretaceous; Vicinity of San Antonio del Mar, northern Baja California State, Baja California Peninsula, Mexico; Coll. LACMIP no. 13591; Copyright Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County

Tessarolax incrustata Anderson & Hanna, 1935; Hypotype; Rosario Formation, uppermost Campanian to lowermost Maastrichtian, Cretaceous; Vicinity of San Antonio del Mar, northern Baja California State, Baja California Peninsula, Mexico; Coll. LACMIP no. 13591; Copyright Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County


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