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Species / Torgnellus Peruvianus


Original description of Torgnellus peruvianus by Olsson, 1944, p. 93:

  • "Shell of adult large or medium-sized, solid, completely covered with callus and with a thick, expanded outer lip; no ribbed sculpture is developed at any stage, the surface of the whorls being essentially smooth; in the very young, the shell has a prominent spire and quite evenly convex whorls; in the succeeding stages, a cover of callus is spread over the whole surface and with age becomes very thickly developed in certain areas, particularly on the outer, posterior surface of the winged lip; the spire is completely submerged by the callus and usually develops into a small, lateral compressed, hooklike snout similar to that found at the posterior end of the outer lip; anterior beak turned sharply to the left. Length, 46 mm.; greater diameter, 39 mm. (across lip); lesser diameter, 22.25 mm. (transverse to lip)."

Locus typicus: La Tortuga, Piura Department, Peru

Stratum typicum: Radiolite sandstone, Baculites zone, Maastrichtian, upper Cretaceous

Torgnellus peruvianus Olsson, 1944, pl. 14, fig. 7, 8

Torgnellus peruvianus Olsson, 1944; Holotype; Radiolite sandstone, Baculites zone, Maastrichtian, upper Cretaceous; La Tortuga, Piura Department, Peru; 38,2 mm; Coll. Paleontological Research Institution no. 4938; Image reproduced courtesy of the Paleontological Research Institution.


  • Olsson, A.A., 1944: Contributions To the Paleontology of Northern Peru. Part VII. the Cretaceous of the Paita Region, Bulletins of American Paleontology, 28(111); Plate 14, fig. 7,8

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