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Species / Arrhoges Quillayutensis


Synonym of Ceratostoma foliata (Gmelin, 1791), a Muricidae (?)

Original Description of Arrhoges quillayutensis :

  • "Volutions five or more, convex; suture distinct; body whorl large, thick; lip expanded, terminating in a single posterior large lobe-like extension; anterior sinus nearly obsolete; posterior canal very short; anterior canal short and obtuse; surface sculpture unknown (a few fragments of the shell on the cast seem to indicate that it was smooth); inside of outer lip ridged, the ridges radiating outward.

Dimensions: Axial length, more than 60mm; breadth of body volution, including lip, 45mm; extension of lip, 21,

A single specimen was obtained from the Quillayute formation at the mouth of Maxfield creek.

This species differs from all previously known Aporrhais in its large size.

Stratum typicum: Quillayute Formation of Washington


  • Albert B. Reagan, 1909: Some Notes on the Olympic Peninsula, Washington; Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, Vol. 22, (Dec. 31, 1908 - Jan. 2, 1909), pp. 131-238

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