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Species / Arrhoges


Original Description of Arrhoges by Gabb, 1868, p. 145:

  • "Shell fusiform, anterior canal nearly obsolete, no posterior canal, outer lip expanded, simple."

Type species of Arrhoges is Rostellaria occidentalis Beck, 1836 by OD

Arrhoges species are:

might belong to Arrhoges

History and Synonymy


Cossmann, 1889, p. 82 about Chenopus (Arrhoges):

  • "Labre unilobé, canal antérieur très court; digitation postérieure réduite à un prolongement du labre sur l'avant-dernier tour; sinus antérieur à peine marqué. Type : C. occidentalis , Beck."


Diagnosis of Arrhoges by Cossmann, 1904, p. 73:

  • "Coquille chenopodiforme, à rostre assez court, à aile palmée, peu adhérente en arrière, sans digitation postérieure; sinus basal faible."


Cossmann, 1913, p. 173 about Arrhoges:

  • "Induit en erreur par des échantillons défectueux et d'ailleurs très rares, les collectionneurs du Bassin de Paris ont jusqu'à présent rapporté tous les Arrhoges des Sables de Châlons-sur-Vesle à une seule espèce (Chenopus analogus, Desh.). En réalité, il en existe trois espèces bien distinctes et faciles à séparer comme on pourra s'en rendre compte par les descriptions suivantes ainsi que par les figures qui les accompagnent. (Observation de M. Staadt). [Arrhoges dispar, Arrhoges cossmanni, Arrhoges analogus]


Johnson, 1930, p. 3 about Arrhoges:

  • "For this species Gabb in 1863 [sic] proposed the genus Arrhoges, based on the following characters "Anterior canal nearly obsolete, no posterior canal, outer lip expanded, simple." Fischer made it a subgenus of Aporrhais defining it as having anterior and posterior canal very short, lip simple. The study of a large series of Aporrhais pespelicani Linn. shows in senile specimens a thickening of the lip until the posterior canal becomes obsolete. This feature is best shown in three specimens from Clyde, Scotland, labeled var. bilobata in which the mantle has receded until only about half of the thickened lip is covered by the mantle, the posterior canal is wanting and the shape of the aperture closely resembles that of a small A. occidentalis var. labradorensis. The shell characters mentioned therefore seem of little generic value and it seems doubtful if there is any marked anatomical difference."


Wenz, 1938, p. 911:

  • "Drepanocheilus Meek, 1864 [Drepanochilus Meek, 1876]- Typus: D. americanum (Evans & Shumard, 1857) [Rostellaria] non a- Orbigny, 1842 = evansi Cossmann. Gehäuse mehr oder weniger getürmt kegelförmig bis spindelförmig; Umgänge gewölbt, mit feinen Spiralstreifen und schiefen, gebogenen axialen Rippen; Mündung mit verhältnismäßig kurzem Rostrum; Außenrand flügelartig verbreitert, meist nur mit einem seitlichen, stets ohne oberen Fortsatz.
    • Arrhoges Gabb, 1868. Typus: D. (A.) occidentale (Beck) [Chenopus] Gehäuse ziemlich groß bis klein; Gewinde rundlich, etwas höher oder gleich der Endwindung; Mündung ziemlich breit, oben mit schmalem Ausguß, unten mit geradem, sehr kurzem, breit schnabelartigem, unten abgestütztem Rostrum; Außenrand den beiden letzten Umgängen angeheftet, außen mit 2 schwachen Kielen, von denen der obere, stärkere in einer mehr oder weniger schnabelartig vorgezogenen Spitze des Randes endet und etwas nach oben gebogen ist; Spindelrand ziemlich dünn, ausgebreitet."

Comment Wieneke: Wenz defined Arrhoges as subgenus of Drepanocheilus, which is followed by most authors of fossil neogene and paleogene European Aporrhaidae


Diagnosis of Arrhoges by Sohl, 1960, p. 101:

  • "Medium to moderately large high-spired shells; whorls numerous with convex sides; ornament of numerous closely spaced spiral threads and axial ribs, both of which decrease in strength on the body; aperture subovate; outer lip broadly expanded, thick, ending in an upturned blunt lobe."

Discussion Arrhoges by Sohl, 1960, p. 101:

  • "The general ornament of the spire and the character of the protoconch of Arrhoges are similar to those of Drepanochilus [sic, Drepanocheilus ], to which this genus has frequently been assigned as a subgenus. Arrhoges, however, possess no development of strong angulating spirals on the body and possesses a strong broad outer lip instead of the thin tapering spike of Drepanochilus. The two are, however, related closely and in any subfamilial grouping should probably be placed near one another. The type species is from recent deposits of the North Atlantic, and the genus is present throughout the Tertiary System. Most of the Cretaceous forms assigned to Arrhoges are not typical and may be subdivided to two types. The first type is that dealt with below as a new subgenus typified by forms (like Anchura lobata Wade) which possess a terminal thickening of the outer lip accompanied by a bilobation at the terminus and lack any internal grooving of the lip. The second type is characterized by a bifurcating of the upper part of the lip, as in Anchura prolabiata White, from the Greenhorn limestone equivalent of Utah, and Lispodesthes schlotheimi Roemer (Holzapfel, 1888, p. 119), from the Aachen Cretaceous of Vaals, Germany."


Saul & Petit, 2001, p. 264:

  • "Cossmann (1904) included Goniocheila in Arrhoges (along with representatives of Drepanocheilus, Latiala, Goniocheila, and Aporrhais), but Arrhoges and Latiala lack strong cords of Goniocheila, Drepanocheilus and Aporrhais. The rostrum of Goniocheila is more bent and narrower than that of Arrhoges, and Arrhoges has a shallow and very broad anterior Sinus. Sculpture exposed on early whorls of the spire of Goniocheila, Arrhoges, and Drepanocheilus consists of spiral cordlets and arched axial ribs, but anterior to the periphery, the sculpture of Drepanocheilus, Aporrhais, and Goniocheila is dominated by two or three strong cords, whereas whorls of Arrhoges are covered by many, more nearly uniform cordlets."


Bandel, 2007, p. 113:

  • "The spire is high and ornamented by collabral ribs crossed by fine spiral ribs. The Body whorl has three stronger spiral ribs present of which the posterior stronger ones end in the corners of the angular expanded outer lip."


  • Cossmann, 1889
  • M. Cossmann, 1904. Essai de Paléoconchologie comparée, Sixième Livraison; Paris, 1904, 1-129, pls. I-IX.
  • M. Cossmann, 1913. Appendice No 5 au Catalogue illustré des Coquilles fossiles de l'Eocene des environs de Paris; Annales de la Société royale zoologique et malacologique de Belgique, t. 49 (1913), pp. 19-238, pls. 1-8, Fulltext
  • Gabb, 1868
  • Johnson, 1930
  • Saul, L. R., & Petit, R. E. (2001). A new species of the aporrhaid gastropod genus Goniocheila Gabb, 1868, from the late Oligocene of North Carolina. VELIGER-BERKELEY-, 44(3), 261-270
  • Sohl, 1960

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