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Species / Canarium Fusiforme


Original Description of Strombus fusiformis by Sowerby (2nd), 1842, p. 31:

  • "T. fusiformi, laevi, antice subtruncata; spira conica, anfractibus prope suturam uni-sulcatis; ultimo ad marginem striato, dorso sub-gibboso; aperutra angustata; labiis intus striatis postice in canalem spirae partem decurrentem attenuatis; externo oblique truncato; sinu antico parvo."
  • The colour of this species is of a pinkish or purplish white, mottled and banded with brown, the lips of the aperture are buff. The aperture is peculiar in form, the lips being attenuated into a canal which is bent forwards on the penultimate whorl of the spire, and the outer lip obliquely truncated at the base.This character connects S. fusiformis with the following species [S. dentatus]"

Strombus fusiformis Sowerby2nd, 1842, pl. 9, figs. 91, 92

History and Synonymy

Canarium fusiforme (Sowerby 2nd, 1842: 31, pl. 9 figs 91, 92) (Strombus)


Strombus fusiformis in Kiener, 1843, pl. ?, fig. 2


Strombus fusiformis in Reeve, 1850, Strombus, pl. 5, fig. 7 a, b

Specimens from private collections

Canarium fusiforme (Sowerby, 1842); Eilat, Gulf of Aqaba, Israel, Red Sea; in sand under stones, at 3 m; 35,0 mm; Coll. Frank Nolf no. 05896

Canarium fusiforme (Sowerby, 1842); Eilat, Gulf of Aqaba, Israel, Red Sea; on sand in 2-4 m; 32 mm, 24 mm; Coll. Christian Börnke

Canarium fusiforme (Sowerby, 1842); Dhofar Governorate, southern Oman, Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean; beach collected after a storm; t: 20,0 mm, b: 23,7 mm; Coll. Andrew Childs

Canarium fusiforme (Sowerby, 1842); Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea; Coll. Wolfgang Wranik

Canarium fusiforme (Sowerby, 1842); Mogadishu, Banaadir Region, Somalia, Indian Ocean; trawled; 1991; 39,8 mm; Coll. Frank Nolf no. 05896a

Canarium fusiforme (Sowerby, 1842); freak; Mogadishu, Banaadir Region, Somalia, Indian Ocean; trawled; 1991; 45,2 mm; Coll. Frank Nolf no. 05896a

Canarium fusiforme (Sowerby, 1842); freak; Nacala Bay, Nampula Province, Republic of Mozambique, Indian Ocean; in shallow water; 35 mm; Coll. Christian Börnke


  • Kilburn, R.N. (1974) Taxonomic notes on South African marine Mollusca (3): Gastropoda: Prosobranchia, with descriptions of new taxa of Naticidae, Fasciolariidae, Magilidae, Volutomitridae and Turridae. Annals of the Natal Museum, 22, 187–220

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