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Species / Canarium Ochroglottis


Original Description of Strombus mutabilis subspecies ochroglottis by Abbott, 1960:

  • "Colonies of this species from Mauritius are so uniformly different in their apertural coloration and in some sculptural details from colonies elsewhere in the Indo-Pacific that we have allotted them to a subspecific rank. However, the differences are not always entirely consistent. The new subspecies ochroglottis differs in having the greater part of the columella pure white, while deep inside the aperture, both along the columella and the inner part of the body whorl, there is a chrome-yellow taint. In most specimens the columella is smooth along the central portion. Most, but not all, specimens are coarsely noduled and with a higher spire than most typical mutabilis. Also, the weak, small splotches of green found below the suture in the last whorl are absent in Mauritius specimens."

Locus typicus: Mauritius

History and Synonymy

Canarium ochroglottis (Abbott, 1960: 74, pl. 20 figs 9, 10) (Strombus (Canarium) mutabilis ochroglottis)

Specimens from private collections

Canarium ochroglottis (Abbott, 1960); Pereybere, NW Mauritius Island; 23,8 mm; Coll. Ulrich Wieneke no. 2553

Canarium ochroglottis(Abbott, 1960); Trou aux Biches, Triolet Village, NW Mauritius Island; 24,8 mm; Coll. Ulrich Wieneke no. 2548

Canarium ochroglottis (Abbott, 1960); Madagascar Island; 30 mm; Coll. Virgilio Liverani

Canarium ochroglottis (Abbott, 1960); Mont Choisy near Grand Baie, Mauritius Island; t: 22,3 mm, b: 23,5 mm; Coll. Paul Merrill

Canarium ochroglottis (Abbott, 1960); Pointe aux Pleureuses?, Mauritius Island; in sand & weeds; 29,5 mm; Coll. Paul Merrill


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