Original description of Alaria suteri by Trechman, 1917
- "The shell consists of eight whorls which increase gradually in size. The lip of the last whorl is moderately expanded to a simple curved outline and is not digitate. It ends anteriorly in a blunt termination beneath which there is a shallow channel. The posterior margin of the lip does not seem to be channelled, and the labial expansion extends about half-way up the penultimate whorl. The whorls are decorated with rather widely spaced cur ed ribs, recalling those of Scalaria or of the recent Aporrhais occidentalis, Beck. On the last whorl these ribs reach from the suture to rather beyond the middle line, where they meet a blunt ridge. The whole surface of the outer layer of the shell is covered with very fine parallel raised concentric lines which continue over the ribs. Length about 35 mm."
Locus typicus: Selwyn Rapids, Canterbury, New Zealand
Stratum typicum: Senonian, upper Cretaceous
Alaria suteri in Trechman, 1917, pl. XIX, fig. 5
Alaria suteri (Trechman, 1917); Senonian, upper Cretaceous; Selwyn Rapids, Canterbury, New Zealand; Coll. BM(NH) no. G 27453; Copyright BM(NH)