Species / Pseudanchura Carinella
Original Description of Rostellaria carinella by d'Orbigny, 1843:
Locus typicus: Ervy, Épothémont, Dienville, Gérodot, Aube Department, France Stratum typicum: Albian, lower Cretaceous Rostellaria carinella d'Orbigny, 1843, pl. 207, fig. 7, (8) Types: Kollmann, 1978 found in the Musée Nationale d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris two lots with P. carinella with the ID's B14471 and B14472 in the stratigrahical Collection. The Orbigny collection contains no P. carinella. B14471 (Collection Vibraye) was available for d'Orbigny, B14472 not. B14471 contains 8 specimen where Kollmann, 1978 chose a Neotype from (see Kollmann, 1978, pl. 4, fig. 43-44). History and Synonymy 1833 Sowerby, 1832 (in Adam Sedgwick, Sir Roderick Impey Murchison; A sketch of the structure of the eastern Alps: with sections through the newer formations on the northern flanks of the chain, and through the tertiary deposits of styria...) described a Fusus carinella (synonym of Fusus carinellus Sowerby, 1818?), which might be this species (cited after Gardner, 1875). Fusus carinella J. de C. Sowerby, 1832, p. 418, pl. 39, fig. 24 was renamed by Orbigny, 1850 (Prodrome) in Fusus subcarinella. Fusus carinella J. de C. Sowerby, 1832, pl. 39, fig. 24 1866 Stoliczka, 1866: "Fusus carinella Sow. l.c. Taf. 39, Fig 24 = F. aubcarinella D'Orb. Es ist mir keine einzige Art aus den Gosauablagerungen bekannt, die ganz ähnliche Umgänge besässe. Vielleicht könnte es ein Fragment eines grösseren Exemplares von Pterocera subtilis Zek. sein." 1875 Aporrhais carinella in Gardner, 1875, pl. V, fig. 5, 6, 6a Pictures Anchura carinella (d'Orbigny, 1843); Gault clay, Albian, lower Cretaceous; Folkestone, Kent County, South East Region, England; Coll. BM(NH) Pseudanchura carinella (d'Orbigny, 1843); Gault clay, Albian, lower Cretaceous; Folkestone, Kent County, South East Region, England; Coll. BM(NH) no. 46745; Copyright BM(NH) Pseudanchura carinella (d'Orbigny, 1843); Douvilleceras-zone, middle Albian, lower Cretaceous; all from Courcelles Quarry, Troyes, Aube Department, France; Coll. Ulrich Wieneke
Pseudanchura carinella (d'Orbigny, 1843); Douvilleceras-zone, middle Albian, lower Cretaceous; Courcelles Quarry, Troyes, Aube Department, France; Coll. Elmar Mai References:
Internet Further pictures Collection Ulrich Wieneke |