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Species / Strombus Gracilior


Original Description of Strombus gracilior by Sowerby, 1825:

  • "S. testa ovato-oblonga, apice acuminato-pyramidali, ad basim transverse striata, pallide aurantiaca; anfractibus superne nodulosis; labio interno tenui, expanso, externo dilatato, intus transvers leviter sulcato: long. 2 1/10 unc. lat. 1 4/10 unc."

Locus typicus: Sowerby gives no Location

Stratum typicum: recent

History and Synonymy

Strombus gracilior Sowerby1st, 1825: appendix, 20

  • Syn.: Strombus sulcatus Anton, 1839: 85 [non Holten, 1802]


Strombus gracilior in Kiener, 1843, pl. ?, fig. 1


Strombus pugilis var. gracilior in Duclos, 1844, pl. 17, fig. 6, 7


Strombus gracilior in Reeve, 1851, Strombus, pl. 16, fig. 38


Strombus gracilior GRANT AND GALE (1931), Mem. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, p. 755;


Strombus gracilior JORDAN (1936), Contrib. Dept. Geol. Stanford Univ., vol. 1, p. 114;


Strombus gracilior SMITH (1944), Panamic Marine Shells, p. 20, nos. 226, 229.


Durham, 1950, p. 117

  • Hypotype no. 30469 (loc. A 3584).
  • OCCURRENCE: locs. A 3582, A 3584, A 3587.
  • RANGE: Pleistocene, Recent.

Strombus gracilior Durham, 1950, pl. 27, fig. 6


Jiménez-Arce G. 1993:

  • "Abstract: 74 individuals of "cambute" (Strombus gracilior), were collected in Playa Panamá (10 degrees 35' 45"N, 85 degrees 40' 09" W), Costa Rica. The sex ratio was 1:1 and the size range 70-80mm (total length)."


Aldana Aranda, et al., 2003: Abstract: The reproductive cycles of seven gastropods were analyzed to determine the variability and similarities in their cycles under diverse environmental conditions: (1) Hexaplex erythrostomus(Swainson, 1831), a carnivore; and (2) Strombus gracilior Soweby, 1825, an herbivore, both from Conception Bay, Baja California; (3) Strombus pugilis Linnaeus, 1758, an herbivore; (4) Melongena corona (Gmelin, 1791); and (5) Fasciolaria tulipa (Linnaeus, 1758), all carnivores from the littoral zone of Campeche Bank; (6) Melongena corona bispinosa (Philippi, 1844), a carnivore from the littoral zone of the Yucatán Peninsula; and (7) Strombus gigas Linnaeus, 1758 an herbivore from two different coral reefs, Banco Chinchorro in the Caribbean Sea and Alacranes reef in the Gulf of Mexico. Species inhabiting the same locality differed in their periods of maximum spawning activity. This study identified two gametogenic strategies as a response to the environment: (1) fast gametogenesis during a short period of time (F. tulipa and S. gigas from Chinchorro), and (2) continuous gametogenesis throughout most of the year (S. gigas from Alacranes, H. erythrostomus, S. gracilior, M. corona, and M. corona bispinosa). Variation in the reproductive cycle of a species among different localities can be related to levels of environmental instability. Predation and competition induce massive spawning and reduction of the spawning period.

Specimens from private collections

Strombus gracilior Sowerby, 1825; Cholla Bay, Baja California, (Sea of Cortez), Sonora State, northwestern Mexico; reef area, shallow water, taken on top of sand bar at rising low tide by local collector; 84 mm; 2/1976; Coll. Ulrich Wieneke

Strombus gracilior Sowerby, 1825; Coll. Paul Kanner
Top row:

  • all at low tide at Gonzaga Bay, Gulf of California, (Sea of Cortez), Baja California State, Mexico

Bottom row:

  • l: Bahia Concepcion Bay, Gulf of California, (Sea of Cortez), Baja California Sur State, Mexico
  • m: Cebaco Island, Gulf of Montijo, Veraguas Province, west Panama
  • r: Bahia Concepcion Bay, Gulf of California, (Sea of Cortez), Baja California Sur State, Mexico

Strombus gracilior Sowerby, 1825; Coll. Paul Kanner
Top row:

  • all at low tide at Gonzaga Bay, Gulf of California, (Sea of Cortez), Baja California State, Mexico

Bottom row:

  • l: Bahia Concepcion Bay, Gulf of California, (Sea of Cortez), Baja California Sur State, Mexico
  • m: Cebaco Island, Gulf of Montijo, Veraguas Province, west Panama
  • r: Bahia Concepcion Bay, Gulf of California, (Sea of Cortez), Baja California Sur State, Mexico

Strombus gracilior Sowerby, 1825; Bahia Concepcion Bay, Gulf of California, (Sea of Cortez), Baja California Sur State, Mexico; a few m deep on sand / mud; 1993; Coll. Koenraad De Turck

Strombus gracilior Sowerby, 1825; Bahia Concepcion Bay, Gulf of California, (Sea of Cortez), Baja California Sur State, Mexico; crabbed in shallow water; 5/1992; Coll. Ulrich Wieneke

Strombus gracilior Sowerby, 1825; Gulf of California, (Sea of Cortez), Baja California Sur State, Mexico; 62 mm; 1987; Coll. Koenraad De Turck

Strombus gracilior Sowerby, 1825; Mulege Formation, Upper Pleistocene; near Scammons Lagoon, Baja California Sur, Mexico; 75 mm; exColl. Frank Peska Jr., 1970s, Coll. Michael Reagin MR 15623-1240

Strombus gracilior Sowerby, 1825; off Bahia de Acapulco, Mexico; collected alive in eel grass, shallow water; 70 mm; 1972; Coll. Ulrich Wieneke

Strombus gracilior Sowerby, 1825; Mexico; 100 mm; Coll. Ulrich Wieneke

Strombus gracilior Sowerby, 1825; Gobernadora Island, Gulf of Montijo, Veraguas Province, west Panama; 78 mm; 2/1992; Coll. Ulrich Wieneke

Strombus gracilior Sowerby, 1825; Gobernadora Island, Gulf of Montijo, Veraguas Province, west Panama; intertidal sand; 7/2001; Coll. Ulrich Wieneke

Strombus gracilior Sowerby, 1825; Cebaco Island, Gulf of Montijo, Veraguas Province, west Panama; Coll. Koenraad De Turck

Strombus gracilior Sowerby, 1825; West Panama; 67 mm; Coll. Aart Dekkers no. STR1466

Strombus gracilior Sowerby, 1825; West Panama; dredged at 40 to 60 ft; 1986; Coll. Koenraad De Turck

Strombus gracilior Sowerby, 1825; Farallon Island, West Panama; dredged at 40 to 60 ft; 1986; Coll. Koenraad De Turck

Strombus gracilior Sowerby, 1825; Cancas, Tumbes, Peru; 9/2001, trawling, 7 m depth; 82,8 mm; Coll. Eduardo Palacios

Strombus gracilior Sowerby, 1825, juvenile; La Paz, Baja California, Mexico; 2001; Coll. Koenraad De Turck

Strombus gracilior Sowerby, 1825; Guaymas, Gulf of California, (Sea of Cortez), Sonora State, Mexico; 87,7 mm; Coll. Dekkers no. STR2166


  • Aranda, D.A., Cárdenas, E.B., Morales, I.M., Zárate, A.Z., Brulé, T., 2003. A Review of the Reproductive Patterns of Gastropod Mollusks from Mexico; Bulletin of Marine Science, 73(3), p.629-641.
  • Durham, J. W. 1950. The 1940 E. W. SCRIPPS cruise to the Gulf of California: Part 2, Megascopic paleontology and marine stratigraphy, Geol. Soc. Am., Mem., p. 1–144, Fulltext
  • Rafael Flores-Garza, Sergio García-Ibáñez, Pedro Flores-Rodríguez, Carmina Torreblanca-Ramírez, Lizeth Galeana-Rebolledo, Arcadio Valdés-González, Arquímedes Suástegui-Zárate, Juan Violante-González, 2012. Commercially Important Marine Mollusks for Human Consumption in Acapulco, México; Natural Resources, 2012, 3, 11-17.
  • Grant, U.S. IV & Gale, H.R. 1931. Catalogue of the marine Pliocene and Pleistocene Mollusca of California and adjacent regions. Mem. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, 1-1036, Fulltext
  • Jiménez-Arce G. 1993. [Chemical and nutritional composition in the marine snail Strombus gracilior (Mesogastropoda: Strombidae) of various sizes and sexes in Playa Panamá, Costa Rica], [Article in Spanish]; Rev Biol Trop. 41(3A):345-349.
  • Jordan, E.K. 1936. The Pleistocene Fauna of Magdalena Bay, Lower California. Contributions from the Department of Geology of Stanford University, Vol. I, No. 4, pp. 107–173, pls. 17–19. Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press, London.
  • Luz Ángela López de Mesa & Jaime R. Cantera, 2015. Marine mollusks of Bahía Málaga, Colombia (Tropical Eastern Pacific); Check List 11(1): 1497, 1-18.
  • Smith, M. 1944. Panamic Marine Shells: synonymy, nomenclature, range and illustrations; Tropical photographic laboratory, Winter Park, Fla, xiii, 127 p.
  • G. B. Sowerby, 1825: A catalogue of the shells contained in the collection of the late Earl of Tankerville, arranged according to the lamarckian conchological system, together with an appendix, containing descriptions of many new species, London

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