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Species / Struthiochenopus Bandeli


Original Description of Struthiochenopus bandeli by Nielsen, 2005:

  • "Shell up to 35 mm high, with high turreted spire of approximately nine whorls; spire angle about 45°; protoconch of 2.5 depressed whorls; initial teleoconch whorls convex, with a faint keel that becomes progressively stronger on succeeding whorls; second subequal keel present on last whorl; whorl profile flat above and gently concave below the keel; surface of teleoconch ornamented with very fine spiral threads; very faint axial ribs visible only on initial teleoconch whorls, but rapidly becoming obsolete, appearing again as faint nodes on primary keel of last whorl; aperture elongated, sublenticular, with narrow, straight, anterior siphonal canal; outer lip expanded into subquadrate wing with prominent posterior digitation, anterior digitation reduced to blunt angulation; posterior margin of wing widely sinused; posterior keel extends along length of posterior digitation; inner surface of wing with deep narrow groove extending along digitation, inner lip covered by moderately thick callus pad, with conspicuous ridge along posterior basal edge."

Locus typicus: Punta El Fraile, south-central Chile

Stratum typicum: Ranquil Formation, late Miocene

Types: Holotype SGO.PI.6074 (height 30 mm), fig. 14, paratypes SMF 323628 (height 22.5 mm), fig. 12, 13, SGO.PI.6075, all from Punta El Fraile.

This pictures are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License

Etymology: named after Klaus Bandel, Hamburg


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- It was last modified on August 18, 2019, at 04:41 PM-