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Species / Thersiteidae


  • Thersiteidae Savornin, 1914

Original Diagnosis of Thersiteidae by Savornin, 1914, p. 313:

  • "Animal inconnu. Coquille subfusiforme ou piriforme, paucispirée. Ouverture oblongue, oblique, avec sinus anterieur et fissure postérieure plus ou moins étendue. Columelle épaisse, lisse, flexueuse. Callosité columellaire plus ou moins distincte en avant, mais toujours fortement épaisse en arrière en une tubérosite caractéristique. Faible pli interne sur une portion du bourrelet qui fait suite a cette tubérosité. Moule interne subfusiforme ou même fusiforme, ombiliqué. Tours à profil arrondi plus ou moins ventru. Face postérieure du dernier tour généralement carénée vers sa terminaison. Un bourrelet hélicoïdal entoure fréquemment l`ombilic."

Genera belonging to Thersiteidae are:

might belong to Thersiteidae

History and Synonymy


Abbott, 1960, p. 141:

  • "Cossmann (1904, p. 14) and Wenz (1943, part 6, p. 1255) place the genus Thersitea Coquand, 1862, of the Eocene in the Fasciolariidae. I agree that it probably does not belong in Strombidae."


Kronenberg & Burger, 2002, p. 46:

  • "The exact relationships of the genera allocated to Rostellariidae, as well as the relationships between the families of the Stromboidea, including Aporrhaidae and Struthiolariidae (see also Kiel & Bandel, 1999: 56-57) and the extinct families Harpagodidae Pchelintsev, 1963, Colombellinidae Fischer, 1884, and Thersiteidae Savornin, 1914 (Ponder & Warén, 1988) are still uncertain. A revision with a better assesment[sic] of the families within the superfamily Stromboidea is badly needed."


Bandel, 2007, Abstract:

  • "Dilatilabridae n. fam. with Dilatilabrum resemble Strombus in shell shape with expanded outer lip but has no stromboid notch next to the siphon. They lived during the Paleogene and may represent the stem group to the Strombidae. Thersiteidae is redefined and interpreted as sister group to the Dilatilabridae,and it includes Oostrombus and Orthaulax. Both families appear to have evolved from the Hippochrenes relation."

Bandel, 2007, p. 140:

  • "2.11 Family Thersiteidae SAVORNIN, 1915 Diagnostic characters: The ovoid to short conical shell has the callus of the inner lip greatly thickened on the posterior inner side of the aperture. This callus pad forms a fissure with the margin of the outer lip. The evenly curving outer lip has no stromboid notch and ends in a wide and short siphonal canal. The aperture is elongate with wide anterior siphon and narrow posterior fissure. The apertural callus pad appears during growth of the juvenile teleoconch and is present well before formation of the body whorl. The family is based on the genus Thersitea, which resembles Oostrombus, and Orthaulax."
  • "Difference: Like the Dilatilabridae the outer lip of Thersiteidae has no sinus on the outer lip next to the siphon. In contrast to Dilatilabrum the inner lip forms a thick callus pad in posterior position of the aperture. This thickening of the callus appears during growth of the juvenile shell which differs to a thickened callus of the inner lip as is found in Strombus (Gibberulus) gibberulus. Thersitea resembles Orthaulax in regard to the thick callus but its whorls have a shoulder and juvenile whorls are keeled."
  • "Remarks: The classification of BOUCHET & ROCROI (2005) includes among established families of the Stromboidea also the Thersiteidae based on Thersitea COQUAND, 1862, while WENZ (1938: fig. 3576) interpreted Thersitea it to be a doubtful member of the Fasciolariidae (Neogastropoda), and Orthaulax as a member of the Strombidae."

Bandel, 2007, p. 157:

  • "3.2 Family Pereiraeidae n. fam."
  • "Diagnosis: The family is based on Pereiraea CROSSE, 1868, with only one known species. The large shell has a high spire with ornament of a spine bearing keel. The body whorl has ornament of growth lines and four spiral ribs which end in spines of the outer lip. Shell continued with narrow and coarse growth increments even in the adult, and was thus not terminate. The outer lip forms a posterior narrow and deep recess where attached to the spire and has spines with lobes between them, the anterior ones smaller but of about equal size, without distinct stromboid notch. The callus of the inner lip covers the lower side of the body whorls up to the spire."
  • "Derivatio nominis: The family is called according to the genus Pereiraea."
  • "Remarks: All characters were noted by COSSMANN (1904) and had also been documented by WENZ (1938: fig. 2761, based on an original illustration of VIDAL). Difference: The non-terminate outer lip distinguishes from Strombidae and Dilatilabridae, the simple inner lip without posterior callus pad from the Thersiteidae, non terminate growth distinguishes from the Rostellariidae in general, the shape of the spire from Rimellinae and the short wide siphonal notch from the Rostellariinae."

Bandel, 2007, p. 158:

  • "Genus Pereiraea CROSSE, 1868 The type species is Pleurotoma gervaisi VÉZIAN, 1856, from the Miocene of Spain (Catalonia) (COSSMANN, 1904: pl. 2, fig. 2 & 3) that also lived in the sea of the Paratethys Basin (FUCHS, 1870; HOERNES & AUINGER, 1891; STRAUSZ, 1966: pl. 24, figs. 8–10;WENZ, 1938: fig. 2761)."
  • "Diagnostic characters: The about 9 whorls of the shell with about 100 mm in height has a conical spire with a keel that has large hollow spines as ornament. The keel lies just above the suture. The body whorl has no spines and the keel continues to the outer lip ending in a spine. Also a strong posterior and two smaller anterior spiral ribs of the body whorl end in spines on the margin of the outer lip. The outer lip is attached to the body whorl with a deep slit with its anterior margin evenly curving to the upper spine. The outer lip below that spine has a sinus to the next spine and below that one to three smaller indentations posterior of the open canal of the siphon. Strong growth lines crossed by the three spirals form the final ornament."
  • "Difference: SAVAZZI (1991: fig. 9B) suggested a relation of Pereiraea with Thersitea since both have a sinus at the posterior end of the outer lip and a groove along the suture. Pereiraea was considered a member of the Strombidae by CROSSE (1868) and COSSMANN (1904) because they interpreted one of the sinuses of the outer lip as representing a stromboid notch. But Pereiraea differs from Strombus quite distinctly. The aperture is not flaring or thickened, and the sinuses on its margin are not a stromboid notch, but rather depressions between apertural spines. The spire has a row of hollow spines in the three whorls before the body whorl, the outer lip attached below the keel with spines forming a deep narrow pointed slit that connects to the deep suture, the outer lip is not thickened as in Strombus. Most important, strong growth lines on the last quarter whorl of the body whorl indicate continued growth of the outer lip when the animal had reached adulthood. The shell is one with not terminate growth. The outer lip has thorns and recesses between these but no single stromboid notch. Pereiraea does not belong to the Strombidae and belongs into its own family, separate form the Strombidae and perhaps even the Stromboidea. This family Pereiraeidae is represented by a single genus and species."


Pacaud, 2009, p. 3:

  • "L’importance de la composition particulière du biotope des séries phosphatées marocaines a été discutée par Salvan (1958). Cette influence se traduit par un appauvrissement considérable des faunes et l’apparition chez les Gastéropodes de nombreux phénomènes tératologiques. Les eaux de la mer à phosphates ont dû présenter à certaines périodes une toxicité assez notable. Un tel milieu ne pouvait rester sans influence sur la composition des populations marines. En effet, l’étude détaillée des mollusques de la série phosphatée marocaine a montré que l’apparition de la sédimentation phosphatée au Maastrichtien a été immédiatement accompagnée d’une importante raréfaction de ces faunes, encore très abondante au Sénonien (plus de 40 espèces ont été recensées au Sénonien non phosphaté des Meskala contre 4 au Maastrichtien). Alors que chez les Bivalves l’adaptation au biotope phosphaté se fait sans altération notable de leurs caractères, il en est tout autrement des Gastéropodes (Salvan 1958). Les Strombidae, par exemple, vont tous se caractériser par un hyper-développement de la callosité columellaire. C’est cette disposition particulière de la callosité qui est à la base de la classification proposée par Savornin (1914) pour les genres Thersithea, Pereiraia et Oostrombus. Si les Strombidae semblent avoir été particulièrement sensibles à l’action du milieu phosphaté, ils ne sont pas les seuls à présenter ces anomalies. Ainsi la constance de ces caractères tératologiques sur tous les spécimens de Pseudolividae récoltés permet de penser à une véritable mutation, justifiant la création d’un nouveau genre."


Couto et al., 2016, p. 316:

  • "Subsequently, almost half of the genera included in Cossmann’s Fusinae have since been transferred to other families of Neogastropoda (Columbarium, now Columbariinae, Turbinellidae; Exilia, now Ptychatractidae; Thersitea, now Thersiteidae; Euthriofusus, now Buccinidae)."


  • Abbott, 1960
  • Antoine , 1942 - Deux thersitées nouvelles de l'Éocène marocain. Description et observations . Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelle du Maroc , t. 22 , p. 83-88
  • Bandel, 2007
  • COQUAND, 1862
  • El Haddia, H., Benbouzianea, A., Moufliha, M., Jouranib, E. & Amaghzaz, M., 2014. Siliceous forms of phosphate deposits of Cretaceous age in Oulad Abdoun basin (Central Morocco). Mineralogy, geochemistry and diagenetic phenomena; “SYMPHOS 2013”, 2nd International Symposium on Innovation and Technology in the Phosphate Industry; Procedia Engineering 83, 60–69.
  • Elouard , 1962 - Etude géologique et hydrogéologique des formations sédimentaires du Guebla mauritanien et de la vallée du Sénégal . Mémoires du B.R.G.M. , n° 7 , p. 1-274
  • Etayo–Serna, F. 1979. El género Veatchia Maury 1912 y su valor paleobiogeográfico. Universidad Industrial de Santander. Boletín de Geología, (27): 57–61. Bucaramanga, Fulltext.
  • Gentil, 1906
  • Lecointre , 1946 - Le Miocène de la Chaouia (Maroc occidental) . Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, t. 5 , vol. 16 , p. 115-119
  • Lecointre , 1952 - Recherches sur le Néogène et le Quaternaire marins de la côte atlantique du Maroc . Notes et Mémoires du Service géologique du Maroc , vol. 99 , p. 5-173
  • Locard, 1889 - Description des Mollusques fossiles des terrains tertiaires inférieurs de la Tunisie recueillis en 1885 et 1886 par M. Philippe Thomas , p. 1-65.
  • Magne, A., 1941. Les Thersiteidae fossiles du Bassin d'Aquitaine; Journal de Conchyliologie LXXXIV, 309-311.
  • C. J. Maury. 1912. A contribution to the paleontology of Trinidad. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 15:1-112
  • Pacaud, J.-M., 2009. Maralsenia, un nouveau genre de Pseudolividae (Gastropoda, Muricoidea) du Paléogène inférieur des régions nord-africaine et sud-américaine; Bulletin de l’Institut Scientifique, Rabat, section Sciences de la Terre, 2009, n°31, p. 1-7.
  • Pomel, 1887
  • Salvan 1954
  • Salvan H. 1958. Tératologie et variations individuelles chez les Mollusques de la série phosphatée marocaine et les Thersiteidae en particulier. Congreso Geologico Internacional, XX ème sesión, Ciudad de Mexico, Sección VII, Paleontología, Taxonomía y Evolución, Mexico, pp. 267-273.
  • E. Savazzi, 1989 b. Orthaulax dainelli n. sp. (Gastropoda, Strombidae) from the Lower Eocene of NE Italy. N. JB. Geol. Paläont. Mh. (H.1): 30-36.
  • Savazzi , 1991 - Constructional morphology of strombid gastropods . Lethaia , t. 24 , vol. 3 , p. 311-331
  • Savornin J. 1914. Sur les affinités morphologiques des genres Thersitea Coquand, Pereiraia Crosse et Oostrombus Sacco, Gastropodes fossiles des provinces tertiaires méditéranéennes. Bull. Soc. Géol. Fr., 4, 14, 310-323, Fulltext
  • Tessier , 1952 - Contribution à la stratigraphie et à la paléontologie de la partie ouest du Sénégal (Crétacé et Tertiaire) . Thèse de la Faculté des Sciences de Marseille, t. 2 , p. 281-566

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