edit SideBar
- Rostellariidae Gabb, 1868
Original Description of Rostellariidae (as Rostellariinae) by Gabb, 1868:
- "Animal as in Strombinae. Operculum small, ovate, not serrate. Shell fusiform or subfusiform, spire usually alavated."
The family Rostellariidae contains the following genera:
- Africoterebellum Eames, 1957
- Amekichilus Eames, 1957
- Amplogladius Cossmann, 1889
- Chedevillia Cossmann, 1906
- Cyrtulotibia Eames, 1957
- Eotibia Clark, 1942
- Hippochrenes Montfort, 1810
- Platyoptera Conrad, 1855
- Rimellopsis Lambiotte, 1979
- Rostellariella Thiele, 1929
- Semiterebellum Cossmann, 1889
- Sulcogladius Sacco, 1893
- Terebellomimus Pacaud, 2008
- Terebellopsis Leymerie, 1846
- Tibia Röding, 1798
- Tibiochilus Eames, 1952
see also subfamilies
Kronenberg & Burger 2002 included Mauryna in Rostellariidae which is not followed here (at the moment), here it is included in Seraphidae as done by Wenz 1938. There has been a revision of the genus Mauryna by *Savazzi 1988 (only abstract), a reference that is not included in the discussion, since it is not available to me at the moment.
History and Synonymy
- Syn.: TIBIIDAE Golikov & Starobogatov, 1975: 211 [unnecessary new name for Rostellariidae]
- ? Syn.: HIPPOCHRENIDAE Bandel, 2007: 132
Golikov & Starobogatov, 1975, p. 220:
- "The new name Tibiidae is used by us instead of Rostellariidae in view of the priority of the name Tibia Bolten in Röding, 1798 over Rostellaria Lamarck, 1799."