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Geology / Tithonian


  • Malm
    • Tithonian

Aporrhaidae from the Tithonian are:

Colombellinidae from the Tithonian are:

Harpagodidae from the Tithonian are:

Spinilomatidae from the Tithonian are:


  • Arkadiev, V.V. (2004). The first record of a Late Tithonian ammonite in the Feodosiya Section of Eastern Crimea. Paleont. Journ. V.38. no.3. P.265-267
  • Arkell, W.J. (1941). The gastropods of the Purbeck beds. The quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London. Vol.97. Pt.1. no.385. P.79-128, 64 figs.
  • Arnould-Saget, S. (1951). Les ammonites pyriteuses du Tithonique supérieur et du Berriasien de Tunisie Centrale. Ann. Min. et Géol. no.10. 132 p
  • Arkadiev, V., Guzhikov, A., Baraboshkin, E., Savelieva, Ju., Feodorova, A., Shurekova, O., Platonov, E., Manikin, A. (2018). Biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy of the upper Tithonian – Berriasian of the Crimean Mountains. Cretaceous Research. Vol. 87. P. 5-41.
  • Avram, E. (1976). Les fossiles du flysch éocrétacé et des calcaires Tithoniques des hautes vallées de la Doftana et du Tirlung (Carpathes Orientales). Institut de Geologie et Geophisique, Mémoires. T.24. P.5-73
  • Barthel, K.W., Janicke, V. (1970). Aptychen als Verdauungsrückstand. Ein Fund aus den Solnhofener Plattenkalken, unteres Untertithon, Bayern. N. Jb. Geol. Paläont., Mh. S.65-68
  • Barthel, K.W. (1971). Stratigraphic problems: Reference sections, the Tithonian, and the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary. N. Jb. Geol. Paläont., Mh. Hft.9. P.315-316
  • Barthel, K.W., Geyssant, J.R. (1973). Additional Tethydian ammonites from the lower Neuburg formation (Middle Tithonian, Bavaria). N. Jb. Geol. Paläont., Mh. Hft.1. P.18-36
  • Benzaggagh, M., Atrops, F. (1995). Les zones à Chitinoidella et à Crassicollaria (Tithonien) dans la partie interne du Prérif (Maroc). Données nouvelles et corrélation avec les zones d'ammonites. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 320, série II a, P.227-234
  • Benzaggagh, M., Atrops, F. (1997). Stratigraphie et associations de faude d’ammonites des zones du Kimméridgien, Tithonien et Berriasien basal dans le Prérif interne (Rif, Maroc). Newsl. Stratigr. V.35. no3. P.127-163
  • Benzaggagh, M., Homberg, C., Schnyder, J., Abdesselam-Mahdaoui, S.B. (2015). Description et biozonation des sections de crinoïdes saccocomidés du Jurassique supérieur (Oxfordien-Tithonien) du domaine téthysien occidental. Annales de Paléontologie. Vol. 101, no. 2, P. 95–117
  • Bulot, L.G., Frau, C., Wimbledon, W.A.P. (2014). New and poorly known Perisphinctoidea (Ammonitina) from the Upper Tithonian of Le Chouet (Drôme, SE France). Volumina Jurassica, Vol.XII. no.1. P.113–128
  • Buvignier, 1852
  • Cantú-Chapa, A. (2009). Validation of the stratigraphic method to build Tithonian (Jurassic) subsurface structural maps, Campeche Shelf, Southern Gulf of Mexico. in: C. Bartolini and J. R. Román Ramos, eds., Petroleum systems in the southern Gulf of Mexico. AAPG Memoir 90. P.279–284
  • Cecca F. (1994). Usseliceras (Usseliceras) involutum sp. n. (Ammonitina) from the Lower Tithonian of Umbria-Marche Apennines. In: Pallini G. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 3rd Pergola International Symposium "Fossili, Evoluzione, Ambiente", Pergola, 25-30 October 1990. Palaeopelagos, Special Publication, Vol. 1. P.41-42
  • Garrido, A.C., Parent, H. & Brambilla, L. (2018). Tithonian stratigraphy and ammonite fauna of the Vaca Muerta Formation in Mallín Quemado (Neuquén Basin, Argentina), with remarks on the Andean chronostratigraphy. Volumina Jurassica Vol 16, No 1 (2018) 1-26
  • Grigore, D. (2000). Kimmeridgian and lower Tithonian sequences from east and south Carpathians – Romania. An. Inst. Geol. Rom., 72, part. II, p. 37-45, Bucureşti, 2000.
  • Iovcheva, .M., Trifonova, E. (1961). Microfauna of the Tithonian-Valangian in north-west Bulgaria. Annuaire de la Direction generale des rechereches geologiques. Serie A. Vol. XI. 1960. P.161-195
  • Nikolov, T. (1979). A new ammonite subgenus - Jabronella (Erdenella) subgen. n. (Berriasellidae, Tithonian - Berriasian). C. R. Acad. bulg. Sci., 32, 3, 337-340
  • Nikolov, T. (1979). A new ammonite subfamily Argentiniceratinae subfam. n. (Berriasellidae, Tithonian - Berriasian). C. R. Acad. bulg. Sci., 32, 2, 197-200
  • Nikolov, T. (1979) On the ammonite genus Pomeliceras Grigorieva 1938 (Berriasellidae, Tithonian- Berriasian). C. R. Acad. bulg. Sci., 32, 4, 509-512
  • Oloriz, F. (1977). Hyhopeltoceras, ein neuer Hybonoticeratide (Ammonoidea) aus dem oberen Jura der Betisdien Kordilleren (Subbetisdier Zone), Andalusien-Südspanien. Beiträge zur Naturkunde, Serie B (Geologie und Paläontologie), Nr. 32, Stuttgart 1977
  • Parent, H., Garrido, A.C., Schweigert, G. * Scherzinger, A. (2011). The Tithonian ammonite fauna and stratigraphy of Picún Leufú, southern Neuquén Basin, Argentina. Revue de Paléobiologie, Genève (juin 2011) 30 (1) : 45-104
  • Parent, H., Schweigert, G., Scherzinger, A. & Garrido A.C. (2017). Additional Tithonian and Berriasian ammonites from the Vaca Muerta Formation in Pampa Tril, Neuquén Basin, Argentina. Volumina Jurassica Vol 15, No 1 (2017) 139-154
  • Parent H., Schweigert, G. & Scherzinger, A. &. (2020). A review of the classification of Jurassic aspidoceratid ammonites –the Superfamily Aspidoceratoidea. Volumina Jurassica, 2020, XVIII (1): 47–52
  • Sapunow, I.G. & Ziegler, B. (1976). Stratigraphische Probleme im Oberjura des westlichen Balkangebirges Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde, Serie B (Geologie und Paläontologie), Nr. 18, Stuttgart 1976
  • Strasser, A., Charollais, J., Conrad, M.A., Clavel, B., Pictet, A. & Mastrangelo, B. (2016). The Cretaceous of the Swiss Jura Mountains: an improved lithostratigraphic scheme. Swiss J. Geosci., 7 June 2016 (published online)
  • Vašíček, Z. & Malek, O. (2019). Ammonite stratigraphy and organic matter of the Pałuki Fm. (Upper Kimmeridgian–Lower Tithonian) from the central-eastern part of the Łódź Synclinorium (Central Poland). Volumina Jurassica, 2019, XVII: 81-94
  • Wierzbowski, A. & Wierzbowski, H. (2019). Ammonite stratigraphy and organic matter of the Pałuki Fm. (Upper Kimmeridgian–Lower Tithonian) from the central-eastern part of the Łódź Synclinorium (Central Poland). Volumina Jurassica, 2019, XVII: 49-80
  • Wimbledon, W.A.P., Reháková, D., Pszczółkowski, A., Casellato, C.E., Halásová, E., Frau, C., Bulot, L.G., Grabowski, J., Sobień, K., Pruner, P., Schnabl, P. & Čížková, K. (2013). An account of the bio- and magnetostratigraphy of the Upper Tithonian—Lower Berriasian interval at Le Chouet, Drôme (SE France). Geologica Carpathica, 64(6), 437–460
  • Zeiss, A. (1977). Jurassic stratigraphy of Franconia. Beiträge zur Naturkunde, Serie B (Geologie und Paläontologie), Nr. 31, Stuttgart 1977
  • Zeiss, A., Leanza, H. (2011). Upper Jurassic (Tithonian) ammonites from the lithographic limestones of the Zapala region, Neuquen Basin, Argentina. Beringeria. Bd.41. P.1-52
  • Ziegler, B. (1977). The "White" (Upper) Jurassic in Southern Germany. Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde, Serie B (Geologie und Paläontologie), Nr. 26, Stuttgart 1977
  • Zittel, K.A. (1870). Die Fauna der älteren Cephalopoden fuehrender Tithonbildungen. Palaeontographica. Suppl. 2. S. 1-192.; Cassel: Verlag von Theodor Rischer

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